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TOP-12 movies to help understand America


Source: TSN

America's heart beats in the Hollywood Hills. After all, the "Dream Factory" connects all the main symbols of the United States. Here the American Dream comes true as regularly as it breaks down, and the highest-grossing films are produced here. Americans like to make films about themselves, and, perhaps, it is this that will help us understand this contrasting and, in most cases, opposite country to us.

Photo: shot from the official trailer YouTube / Paramount Movies

"Gone With the Wind"

The first adaptation of the immortal novel by Margaret Mitchell about the very Scarlett O'Hara, who thinks of everything tomorrow, was released on 1939. Cinema, however, like the book, tells not only about the difficult life of poor Scarlett, but also about historical events and the life of practically the first Americans.
This love story can be a great encyclopedia for those who want to understand what America has grown from which we know.

"American Pie"

“American Comedy” has long been a separate genre, which will never tire of being replenished with new and new tapes. Indeed, over time, humor sinks lower and lower, and the script is written overnight and in a state of intoxication. American Pie is a classic of this genre. There is everything here: a group of anxious teenagers, and stupid athletes, and the first beauties, and perverted little ones, and problems with their parents, and, of course, a “drunken” prom. The essence of the film is the national game of all US adolescents: "who will be the first to lose their virginity." Seriously, they say that the title of a comedy should refer to the saying “As american as apple pie”(“ As American as Apple Pie ”), ostensibly proving that the film is absolutely national.

"Independence Day"

In the heart of every American lives not only love for the Motherland, but also confidence in its power. The American army will save everyone if the end of the world comes, alien creatures attack the planet, or “those very Russians” cross a dangerous line. In the film "Independence Day," tough American men fight the alien wickedness that attacked Earth on June 2. The fight continues until July 4, when the alien intelligence is defeated, and America's Independence Day becomes Earth's Independence Day. After that, everyone, apparently, should sing a hymn and go to barbecue.

"Born on the fourth of July"

Own Independence Day is a seemingly non-drying source of themes for American cinema. This time, the story is not so bright, but interesting. A veteran of Vietnam, having returned from the war, is long and painfully looking for himself, and finds him only by joining the ranks of pacifists. The film is worth watching not only for the sake of a touching story, but also for the sake of young Tom Cruise, also a kind of symbol of America, because it was at the time of the release of this film that the peak of his career fell. By the way, the actor’s birthday on July 3 was a hurry for one day, and there would have been an excellent opportunity to talk about the magic of numbers.

"The tail wags the dog"

Dirty political technology is the work of Americans. Over the years of democracy, they have mastered this craft so much that they travel to less experienced countries with advice for politicians and public figures. In the film, political strategists use the principle “so that the hostess doesn't notice that you've dropped your fork, pour borscht over it,” the sexual scandal of the future candidate is covered up with a staged war, and this adventure is performed by a famous Hollywood producer. By the way, the expression “Wag the Dog”(“ The tail wags the dog ”) is a real term of political strategists, meaning the practice of diverting attention from one problem to another, more meaningful to voters. Doesn't it look like anything?

Brokeback Mountain

One of the main principles of modern America is tolerance and the struggle for it. Here, the rights of all: women, gays, African Americans and animals are fought for. They are fighting very zealously, attracting celebrities and arranging sanctioned rallies, although the level of tolerance in the United States has already exceeded all possible limits. However, in Brokeback Mountain, tolerance towards sexual minorities is far from being the main symbol of America; there is also the spirit of the Western, beloved by Americans. “The first gay western”, as expected, caused a lot of conversations, which earned itself popularity, and what else do Hollywood masters need?

"Sex and the City"

The cult series about four girlfriends has persistently proved over several seasons that women in Manhattan buy shoes, have sex and discuss men with their girlfriends. They just have no time to do other vital things, but Carrie still manages to write a column about sex. The popularity of the series showed that you can go to the big screen, simultaneously marrying the clever and beautiful woman to the man of her dreams. Throughout the film, the main couple tries to legitimize the relationship that they have suffered for six seasons, under the supervision of empathetic friends. When Carrie and Mr. Big (aka “Superman”) said their cherished “Yes,” a whole generation of women breathed a sigh of relief.


Americans love superheroes, they literally create them from improvised means: bats, spiders and other strange creatures, cultivating these images in cinema and comics. However, the most “human” of all the powerful men that the rich American fantasy has created is Superman. Comic book native has been embodied in 8 films, one TV series and ten cartoons. By the way, the fate of a superhero in tight pants is not so rosy, there is a whole legend about the curse of Superman. The blame is the French, who argued with the Americans for a long time about copyright, and then cursed this whole venture with their beautiful language. Now all the actors, at least once dressed in a Superman costume, are pursued by evil fate.


America is hard to imagine without Las Vegas - a ghostly paradise on earth. However, American cinema without casinos is also difficult. From the films about a gaming oasis in the middle of the desert, we know that there you can suddenly get married, lose all your money, hire any prostitute and, of course, rob all the bad guys. Martin Scorsese's film "Casino" has a good cast: Robert De Niro, Sharon Stone and James Woods, as well as a dramatic story about how difficult life is for the gambling tycoons.

"Wall Street"

The film with the slogan “Every Dream Has a Price” reveals all the vices that are so carefully nurtured in the main financial center of New York - on the Wall Street Stock Exchange. Financial fraud, a total thirst for easy money and rapid success are what they live on this street, what the main character of the film, released in 1987, lives with. It all ends, of course, not very well, but the film is worth watching at least for the sake of the tandem of Michael Douglas and Charlie Sheen.

"For the love of the game"

Baseball for Americans is a game of a lifetime. It is played by adults and children, it is precisely for watching this competition that most people in the United States prefer to spend time. In the film, where Kevin Costner himself played the main role, everything revolves around the baseball field. A famous player experiences two dramas at once: career and personal, and tries to solve all the problems with the help of a good game. However, more than a dozen films were shot about baseball, so those interested in the topic will definitely have something to watch.

"Forrest Gump"

The story of Forest Gump is a cult American film, with 38 awards (6 of them - "Oscars"), first place in box office in the year of release (1994) and 38th place in the list of the best films in the USA. They say that in order to quickly and painlessly understand and get to know America, you should watch this film. In it, through the prism of the life of one person, all the main historical milestones of a huge country are displayed, told to strangers on a simple wooden bench.

In addition, must-see if suddenly you are interested in the great America or you were lucky enough to get a "green card": "American Beauty" (because of the sonorous name and beautiful shots), "Their own league" (because of Madonna and baseball), Love Beyond the Rules (because of American Football and George Clooney), and don't forget about the mock-documentary Borat to get the other side of the coin.

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