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Just washed yesterday! How to reduce oily hair


Source: Ladyline

If your hair gets oily fast, the reason may lie in genetic predisposition, lack of sleep, frequent stress, or improper care. Today we will talk about how to wash your hair less often, keeping it fresh and clean longer, suggests Ladyline.

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1. Apply balms and masks only on the tips. Special oils, silicones and proteins that are in conditioners and balms, only exacerbate the situation. Remember that shampoo is applied to the roots, and the mask - at the tips!

2. Wash your head with warm water only! Hot water is also not the best helper in the fight against quickly oily hair.

3. Rub the sage decoction into the roots. To cook, boil 500 ml of water, add 2 Art. l sage and leave it on fire for about 5-7 minutes. Then cool the broth and use it on the roots every time after shampooing. You can store such a decoction in the refrigerator.

4. Do not use a hair dryer. Oily hair can not be constantly dried with a hairdryer, especially with hot air. Better dry your hair naturally.

5. Drink one and a half liters of water a day. Lack of moisture can also be the reason why your hair quickly get greasy.

6. Separate the care of the scalp and the hair itself. For example, for hair roots, use products marked “for oily type”, and the rest of the hair, especially if it is dry, needs appropriate care (“for dry or brittle ends”).

7. Try not to wash your hair every day. Try to do it at least every other day, and in order not to walk around the day with greasy roots - use dry shampoo or baby powder, for example.

8. Touch hair as seldom as possible! If you have a habit of constantly pulling at your hair, wrapping it, bending it, and holding it with your hands three hundred times - stop doing it!

Also, many girls like to hold the palm on the roots to remove the curls from the face. It is necessary to realize that in this way you only aggravate the situation, and your hair gets fat even faster.

9. Eat right. Adjust your diet so that you get all the necessary vitamins, and, if desired, take all sorts of useful supplements that you can buy at the pharmacy, after consulting with a cosmetician.

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