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Now he has to change: 10 sure signs


Source: MSN

Ossiana Tepfenhart - a writer and journalist from New Jersey, an expert on sex and relationships, told the project MSN about the surest signs that the partner is on the verge of treason. And it will be about both sexes.

Most of the spouses who cheated on their “halves” after long years of relationships and life together, according to the author of the article, admit that none of them could even imagine that they would change. Being a person of an analytical mind, Ossiana decided to interview people to find out why they still went “to the left”.

The author emphasizes: this is not a desire to find an excuse for treason, but an attempt to understand which factors increase the likelihood of adultery.

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1. Age with the number "9"

Years like 29, 39, 49 symbolize the end of a decade, and many people see in this the finale of another wonderful era in their lives. It scares them - it seems that you are getting old every day and are no longer capable of anything. So, we urgently need to be convinced of the opposite. Statistically, a combination of age and trying to prove to yourself and others that "I'm still hoo!" most often cause cheating.

2. An important event in your relationship

Many people begin to change at a time when an important milestone in the relationship has been passed - for example, an engagement (yes, yes!), The birth of a child, or formal marriage. The reason is an attempt to drink the last sips of freedom before quitting with this “drink” for a long time.

3. Feeling of guilt or shame

Strangely enough, if a person feels deeply unsure of his own abilities and abilities, experiences shame or guilt as a result of the behavior of his partner, he may try to find a way to compensate for these sensations by having sex on the side. This can be complemented by emotional violence in relationships.

4. Women's holiday

Wait, what ?! Yes it's true. Most married women who seem to have not been well congratulated or thanked for the fact that they exist feel wounded and begin to look for dating on the side (in America, Mother's Day leads in the number of new registrations on dating sites among married women).

5. Prolonged attention from

This is one of the scientific reasons that people cheat with their “working halves” - with those who have caught the eye at work for a long time and every day and are busy with joint responsibilities. It is scientifically proven that people find those they see every day more attractive than strangers. Of course, this is still not an excuse.

6. Attempt to revenge

People who feel disdain on the part of a partner may not admit to him their pain, but will unknowingly want to hurt him and for this, they choose such passive-aggressive behavior as betrayal. Most often (but not always) it is women who have learned that their husband is cheating on them.

7. The presence of mistresses of friends

It's true - treason is contagious. Studies show that men who have friends cheating on their wives are also more likely to go to the side. The reason is that these friends add value to a betrayal of communication.

8. Loneliness in a relationship

Most women (and a decent part of men) are beginning to change, because their partner has not taken care of their feelings for a long time or they do not get any feedback in the relationship. Add unsatisfactory sex life, routine, and emotional abuse from your partner. In addition, you can just stop loving.

9. Big weight loss

Amazing, but quite realistic reason for changing both men and women. If your partner began to look much slimmer, be careful - people who for years could not cause anyone sexual interest, suddenly find themselves attractive. The temptation to try new sensations in practice is very great.

10. High paying job

As with weight, good cause can turn bad. Research shows that people who suddenly - or in a relatively short time - start earning a lot more money than they used to, are more likely to cheat. They are confident that they “deserve” going to the side, because they already provide everything they need to their main partner.

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