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TV presenter examined the faces on the covers of American magazines and was horrified


Source: report

TV presenter Jamila Jamil compared photographs of men and women on the covers of glossy magazines and was indignant at how often the latter were retouched.

Фото: Depositphotos

In her Twitter, she stated that the “improvement” of bodies and faces leads to the hatred of women for their real appearance.

As an example, Jamil led the covers of the editions of Man's Journal, Tatler, InStyle and Time, which depict famous men and women in 50-year-olds.

“Look at that difference. Aged men are sexy. Women generally just should not be of age. Men can celebrate the inevitable, we have to fear it, ”she said.

Jamil added that the desire to “decorate” the body in a graphic editor makes all people the same: young and slim. This leads to the fact that only one type of appearance is considered "normal" in society.

“This will end badly,” said the TV host. Her publication received almost 35 thousands of likes in a few hours. Subscribers supported Jamil and clarified that men also began to fear age due to widespread retouching.

The girl under the nickname Duchess as an experiment retouched the picture of George Clooney. Commentators agreed that he "looks great with wrinkles." Female imperfections, they were not ready to endure.

One of the commentators asked Jamil to establish a magazine in which there would be photos of women with any “imperfections”. The presenter liked this idea.

Previously, users have severely criticized the brand of alcoholic ice cream Alcreme for advertising, which used pictures of naked models. Users called such images sexist.

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