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Secret love singer Anna Herman


Source: Clever

As is well known, singer Anna Herman, popular in the USSR, in her entire, even if not too long, life was married only once. Her favorite was engineer Zbigniew Tukholsky. In 1975, the couple had a son. However, few people know that, in addition to her husband, Herman called the "favorite" and another person.

Photo: video frame YouTube / Alexander Chernov

Thoughtful marriage and unexpected love

Anna Herman met engineer Zbigniew Tuholsky back in 1960, writes Clever. However, lovers registered their relationship only after 12 years. Tucholsky himself explained this fact by the fact that they simply did not need stamps in passports: they already lived in perfect harmony.

But the composer Valentina Serykh, who was friends with Herman's family, argued that Irma Berner, Anna's mother, once told her that the singer did not dare to marry Tukholsky, because she was not sure of her feelings for him. Only after several years of the so-called civil marriage, Hermann went to the registry office with Tucholsky.

Photo: video frame YouTube / Alexander Chernov

However, even despite such a serious approach to family life and the birth of a long-awaited son, in 1970-ies another man appeared in the fate of Anna Hermann. Estonian journalist Ants Paju interviewed the singer when she came on tour to Leningrad.

As Hermann herself wrote, it was a long, lengthy conversation, which she loudly called confession in her memoirs. Since then, Ants and Anna began to exchange letters, which, again, according to the singer, were filled with real revelations.

Gentle letters and rare meetings

In her letters, Anna Herman often referred to Antsu Pay as “beloved”. Even after the singer's death, her husband Zbigniew Tucholsky, upon learning of this, was very upset: he really loved his wife. However, Valentina Serykh assured Tuholsky that in reality there was no physical proximity between the Estonian journalist and Anna Hermann. Nevertheless, the artist still reproached herself for this secret, forbidden, as she thought, connection.

“You know, Antsik, I feel very guilty. Maybe it was not necessary to open this little gate of our world that nobody can understand? ”, She wrote in one of her letters addressed to Paju.

Be that as it may, Herman was unable to refuse to correspond with Ants and even rare meetings with him. Sometimes they even spent holidays together.

As biographer Fyodor Razzakov writes in his book “The Life of Remarkable Times. 1975-1979 Time, events, people ”, at Christmas 1979, Anna Herman visited Antsu Paju in Tallinn, where he lived. A few years later Paju recalled that the winter was warm and snowy then. They walked around the Old Town a lot. It was during one of these walks that a journalist noticed that Herman began to limp. But Anna assured Pai that she simply rubbed her leg.

Platonic love until the end of days

Ants Paju wrote that, hobbled, Anna Herman took his arm. This innocent gesture, according to Pai, made him incredibly happy.

“I had the feeling that I grew up at once,” the journalist frankly said.

This fact, albeit indirectly, but still confirms the statement of Valentina Serykh: most likely, there was really no intimate connection between Herman and Pay. Neither the singer herself, nor Ants, who was in love with her, had any idea that the limp would be a symptom of sarcoma, from which the singer subsequently died.

Photo: video frame YouTube / Alexander Chernov

When both became aware of the diagnosis of Anna Herman, they continued to send each other heartbreaking letters. The singer asked Pai to tell her only about “good and funny things”: she believed that she could cope with her illness. Although after two serious operations, Anna told Ants that now he is unlikely to recognize her.

And being once again in a hospital bed, Herman wrote to Pavel: “I am in the hospital. It's good, quiet ... ".

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