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Cheese, wine and chocolate instead of superfoods: an expert spoke about healthy eating scientifically


Source: Foreign press

William Lee is a physician, author of books, and a popular nutritional consultant. In an interview with the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, he talks about healthy eating and explains why he advises drinking red wine and chocolate. Translation of quotes prepared Foreign press.

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“Choose whole foods and plant-based foods. The vast majority of scientific evidence shows that red and processed meat is harmful to health. Recent confusion has arisen over an article claiming that there is not enough evidence of harm to red meat. Then it turned out that a conflict of interests had arisen between the authors of the article and representatives of the meat industry, ”the source said.

“Eat a variety of foods: It is better to eat many different foods than always the same. Don't Eat Too Much: Put less than half of what you intuitively could eat on your plate, and don't add a supplement, enjoy just one serving, the expert advises. - Eat little or no red meat, and completely avoid industrially processed meats. Stay away from industrially processed foods. They can be easily recognized if their composition contains many substances, the names of which you cannot even pronounce. "

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“I have developed a 5 × 5 × 5 guideline that is very easy to follow: it helps you remember that you need to eat at least five foods daily that activate five body systems. My favorites are soy, coffee, tea, and dark chocolate. Most of us eat five times a day - breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, dessert. Plan ahead and prepare healthy snacks that you can always take with you. Don't automatically eat whatever comes your way, ”Lee recommended.

“I eat mostly nutritious plant foods. For example, fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes and whole grains, if possible raw or freshly cooked. And also seafood rich in omega-3 fatty acids. For example, the day before I ate a rocket salad with lemon, dried cranberries and fried sunflower seeds, ”said the expert.

“Scientific research shows that many popular foods such as red wine, cheese, beer, coffee and chocolate can even reduce the risk of certain diseases. Of course, the devil is in the details, and the amount consumed plays a role. But the health benefits of wine and beer are in the polyphenols they contain, not in the alcohol itself, which can be very dangerous, Lee said. - Cheese contains beneficial bacteria and bioactive substances, as well as saturated fat and a lot of salt. The benefits of chocolate are in the flavanoids in cocoa, not in the sugar and butter that are added to chocolate. So enjoy these products, but in moderation! ”

“Our body is constantly healing itself, so we stay healthy. What we eat plays a decisive role, because what we give our body activates the defense systems built into it. This is the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis); stem cells that regenerate our organs; beneficial bacteria; our DNA defense system, as well as the immune system, which protects us not only from infections, but also from cancer. Studies have shown that eating certain foods, such as green tea, coffee, kiwi, dark chocolate, red wine, and roughly 200 other foods, can activate our defense systems. Thus, the risk of developing chronic diseases can be reduced or the effect of medications can be enhanced. However, the use of food in the treatment of diseases does not mean that you need to replace drugs with food, ”said Lee.

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“In the past 70 years, nutrition in the Western world has become laden with red meat, saturated fat, sodium, refined grains, sugar, artificial sweeteners and industrially processed foods. All these factors load the systems of our body and, over the course of life, lead to terrible chronic diseases, which we all fear. In some regions of our planet, surprisingly many people live more than 100 years. They are united by a healthy diet. For example, Mediterranean or Asian cuisine is made up of more plant and whole grains, healthy oils and seafood. But strong social ties and physical activity are also important, ”the source said.

“There are no superfoods, superbuds or magic pills. This is pure marketing. Eat a variety of healthy, fresh food in moderation - this is the best way. When I see the word “super” on a product, I stop believing in its vaunted effect, ”concluded Lee.

The material is published for educational purposes and is not a medical recommendation. ForumDaily Woman is not responsible for the consequences of self-medication and may not share the views of the author or expert.

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