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Billionaire's son sues former bride for engagement ring


Source: The Daily Mail

The heir to the billionth state of one of the famous Koch brothers, 31-year-old Wyatt Koch, sued his failed bride Ivy Gabriel Slocumb, demanding her to return the ring and pay a penalty, says The Daily Mail.


29-year-old Slocumb left her fiancé on the eve of the wedding and, apparently, caused him moral trauma, so he decided to punish the girl financially. It is known that the ring from the jewelry house Oscar heyman with a gorgeous diamond in 8,24 carats, Wyatt presented Ivy with an engagement, and it cost the rich young man 180 thousands of dollars. The ring was donated in May, and as human rights activists say Wyatt, now has risen in price to 250 thousands.

In response to numerous requests from the former groom to return the decoration, the girl refused or ignored Koch. In addition to the legal requirement to return the ring, lawyers are convinced that Miss Slokumb should also incur costs in the form of monetary compensation for moral damage - and they are valued at 15 thousand dollars.

Wyatt is the son of Bill Koch, an 77-year-old wealthy businessman who owns 1,7 billions of US dollars. The Kokhov clan, and these are four brothers, the total fortune of two of which is 96,6 billion dollars, is considered the second richest family in the United States after the Waltons, who own the network Wal-Mart. Wyatt Koch has its own line of fashionable clothes and a company that sells it.

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