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Spouses from America eat only three times a week: an amazing story


Source: Daily Mail

A married couple living between California and Ecuador has chosen a very unusual lifestyle... 36-year-old Akahi Ricardo and 34-year-old Camila Castello eat only 3 times a week and that's enough for them. They believe they are supported by the "energy of the universe."

Akahi and Camila are used to living almost without food. According to them, 3 times a week, they eat only vegetable broth and fruit. In this case, the couple have two children. They call their lifestyle breatharian.

Camila did not give up breatharian even when she was pregnant. When she was carrying her first child, she practiced breathing exercises and she took solid food X-NUMX times in all 5 months. She claims that her unborn son was nourished by her love.

Camila and her spouse say that all people can easily do without food - they can eat the energy of the sun, which can be learned by using breathing exercises.

Kamila admitted that they had practically never eaten with her husband. A new way of life has helped her to start feeling better: she is happy and has forgotten what pain and poor health are like with PMS.

During the 3 years, Akahi and I did not eat anything at all, and now we eat only occasionally: for example, when I want to try fruit. By the way, during the pregnancies in all three trimesters, my tests were flawless, and I gave birth to healthy children.

Camila and Akahi met in 2005 and married 3 a year later. At first they were vegetarians, then they switched to raw foods and fruitorianism. Traveling through South America in 2008, the family discovered breatharian. In order to prepare themselves for this practice, the spouses began the 21-day process, the essence of which is that the first week is nothing but air, in the second and third weeks - to drink water and diluted juice.

Spouses say they have long forgotten that such a feeling of hunger, despite the fact that they eat so little. In their conviction, this is the reverse process: the more you eat, the more often you are hungry. And vice versa. Now they practically do not spend money on food, the money saved goes to more important things for them: travel and education.

Despite their strong beliefs, Kamila and Akahi do not limit their children's food, allowing them to eat anything they want - be it pizza, juice or ice cream. Spouses would like their children to grow up in a harmonious relationship with food and are confident that eating habits are everyone’s personal choice.

We are not trying to change them and let us have everything. They should explore different tastes and build healthy relationships with food as they grow and develop.

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