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Los Angeles court refused to close a rape case against Roman Polanski


Source: Radio Canadá Internacional

Roman Polanski,

Director Roman Polanski was again denied the closure of a case of rape of a minor that happened more than 40 years ago. The judge demanded the personal presence of Roman Polanski at the sessions.

The director’s defense continues to insist that the case against Polanski should be closed, because the verdict on it was rendered 40 years ago, and at the same time the director served his sentence, having spent the day in prison 42. Then he was released. Later, prosecutors demanded 50 years of imprisonment for Roman Polanski. Then Polanski fled. He now lives in Paris and is often in Poland, but he cannot freely move around the world, because, in fact, he is considered a fugitive criminal.

At the end of last year, the lawyers of the director said that Roman Polanski intends to visit the United States and asked the US authorities to ensure that the director does not go to jail. But the prosecutor and the judge of Los Angeles stated that, despite the fact that Roman Polanski is a famous director, there would be no special relationship with him in court.

The decision in the case of Roman Polanski, the court issued another 21 in March, but it was only reported to the press on 3 in April.

Roman Polanski intended this year to visit the grave of his wife Sharon Tate in the USA, who was killed in 1969 by accomplices of Charles Manson.

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