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Save yourself who can. 5 ways to deal with toxic people


ForumDaily Woman

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If you have such a “toxin” in a work or any other collective, you should not sit and endure everything. You yourself have the right to establish the rules of communication. Limit communication, try to keep your distance with the person. Sometimes even one step back or to the side helps to distance yourself from the stream of toxic information that a poisonous person is trying to pour out on you.

Do not conflict

Entering into a skirmish with a toxic person, you open to your side an unlimited stream of poisonous words and statements. Never conflict openly with such a person, better ignore, control emotions, limit communication. And if you really need to give an answer, do it in private and be as calm and balanced as possible. Very often, such people love publicity in their attacks.

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Do not try to understand

The nature of the toxicity of such people is inexplicable. If someone has to find out the motives behind the attacks of a toxic person, then it is certainly not you, but the therapist. Do not try to look in yourself for the reason for the words and behavior of a toxic person, remember, if it were not for you “at hand”, then someone else would get it. Don't delve into the toxic person's problems and don't try to solve them - whatever the outcome, you will still be in a losing situation. Remember, these people often complain only to complain, not to get help.

Compensate for positive emotions

Maintain and maintain communication with positive people who inspire and inspire you. After dealing with toxic people, a little positive attitude won't hurt you. Also, take any opportunity for positive nurturing, such as music, art, books - anything that makes you happy.

Keep your own positive attitude

Often the toxic words and actions of other people are broken about a person's positive attitude, his smile. Toxic people are not interested in complaining about life to happy people.

Remember, the source of happiness is inexhaustible, the main thing is always to find it in every day, and let it be a smile of a child, a sunny bunny, a kiss of a loved one or discounts in your favorite store. Take care of your sources of joy!

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