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Starbucks employee called the most harmful drink institutions


Source: Reader's Digest

Everyone loves coffee, and everyone loves coffee shops, especially Starbucks. This name has become a household name around the world, and most Americans have their favorite drink in the famous network.


The good news is that drinking coffee is not such a bad habit - the drink invigorates, creates a feeling of satiety, gives a few minutes of pleasure, and in the end, it's just delicious. Bad - if you have problems with excess weight and sugar, or do not want to get them, it may be worth giving up some drinks from Starbucks, writes Reader's Digest.

Most likely, says one of the employees of the institution (a certain Jenny from the New York Starbucks), you know that your drink is literally full of sugar and fat. But there is one very specific drink on the company's menu, which is definitely contraindicated for those who intend to lose weight: this is frappuccino. If you are monitoring your sugar intake and weight, try to order frappas less often.

Jenny said that most often customers are not aware of the amount of sugar and calories they drink when ordering apple or caramel frappuccino with whipped cream, which themselves greatly increase blood sugar levels.

Another anti-recommendation is Chocolaty Chip Créme Frapwhich immediately contains 400 kilocalories, 13 grams of saturated fat, and 52 grams of sugar. The employee emphasizes again that you do not have to give up these drinks forever, but it’s worth limiting their use.

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