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Famous actress brought charges against Kate Middleton


Source: It

Actress Keira Knightley published an essay about the first appearance of the Duchess of Cambridge in public after birth, speaking with sharp criticism of Kate Middleton, and spoke about her own experience of having a baby.

The daughter of the actress Eddie was born the day before Princess Charlotte was born - so the physical sensations of women, according to Kira, coincided in time. Knightley, who recently admitted that worldwide fame cost her several nervous breakdowns and restorative therapy, published a controversial essay. ELLE.

Keira Knightley. Photo: Depositphotos

In her notes, the actress made an unexpected criticism of the Duchess of Cambridge for her public appearance on the day after the birth.

“She left the hospital seven hours after the birth, made up, in high heels. Why hide and mask pain when your body is torn apart, your chest is flowing, and hormones are raging. To look beautiful and stylish in front of a bunch of male photographers? Seven hours after your struggle with life and death, Kate. Seven hours after your body was torn apart and a bloody, screaming life came out of it. Do not show up. Do not say".

Criticism about Kate Middleton is not accidental. Keira Knightley gave birth to a daughter the day before Kate, Princess Charlotte. In the essay, which became part of the collection "Feminists do not wear pink (and other misconceptions)", Knightley describes in detail the experience of their own childbirth and breastfeeding.

“I remember vomiting, blood, stitches. I remember my battlefield. The battlefield and the pulsating life. Survivor. And this is me weaker sex? And you?". She dedicated her story to Edie's three-year-old daughter.

Collection of provocative essays - the idea of ​​the organization "Pink protest". In addition to Knightley, Emma Watson, Sirsha Ronan, Advoa Aboa and other women activists tell their frank stories.

It is curious whether the tradition of the perfect postpartum “exit” will be the American wife of Prince Harry Megan Markle, known for her progressive views, whose fact of pregnancy yesterday officially confirmed Kensington Palace. We learn spring 2019 year!

Whose side are you on - the ideal Kate Middleton or the impeccable Keira Knightley?

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