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How much water do you really need? Expert opinion


Source: with the BBC

Eight glasses of water. Everyone at least heard about it on TV, read in social networks and magazines, and even tried to count cups in applications for smartphones. The physician and scientist Christopher Van Telekken in the article for with the BBC claims that excess fluid is not only useless, but can also harm. How much water do you really need?


The need for hydration was started in the middle of the 40 of the last century. The US National Food and Nutrition Board has secured a rate of 2-2,5 liters per day. Since then, many experiments have been conducted, none of which confirmed the theory.

Of course, water is essential for life. But why 2 liters and why only water? In the same publication it was said that all liquids, including food, are included in the "water". Today, many argue that all this “does not count”, as a result, a person is forcibly flooded with water and receives more fluid than his body needs.

According to Van Telekken, people needed a lot of water when they did heavy physical labor. We can drink less fluid. But an excess of water can cause consequences up to water intoxication. The expert urges not to go to extremes: drinking too little or too little. In addition, the doctor argues that coffee, beer and other drinks, which are considered to be dehydrating, in normal amounts do not lead to serious consequences, so they can also be taken into account in the daily rate.

There is no evidence that 8 glasses of water will improve life and health, but you should not go to extremes either. In all the measure is good: just drink when you feel thirsty.

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