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How much fruit can be eaten without harm to health: the opinion of a nutritionist


Source: Health

Famous nutritionist Cynthia Sass shared with Healthhow much fruit is needed for human health.

Fruits. Photo:

“At one time, I worked as a nutritionist with various clients. Some avoided fruits entirely due to their high carbohydrate and sugar content. Others - too often ate fruit, motivated by the nutrient content. The truth is somewhere in the middle, and everything is individual, ”the expert noted and said that there are four rules that will help to consume fruits in the amount necessary for the body.

You need to eat fruit from 2 to 4 once a day.

The body needs one glass of berries or one fruit the size of a baseball ball. The amount of fruit also depends on the degree of employment.

Many of my clients eat one portion of fruit for breakfast, another - in the afternoon as a snack. And if the working day is saturated, women add a third portion of fruit before an important event - a small banana.

Active men, teenagers, tall young women consume fruit four times a day. Among my clients involved in sports, there are individuals who eat more than four servings of fruit a day. But this is unlikely to become the norm.

The need for fruits causes the need for energy

The higher the growth and body mass index of a person, the more he will need energy reserves. Therefore, you will need more carbohydrates. Moreover, men need more carbohydrates than women.

Young people need more carbohydrates than the older generation. And people leading an active lifestyle, consume more carbohydrates than sedentary.

Limiting fruit in the evening

The carbohydrates found in fruits support cell activity. Therefore, the choice of time for eating fruits and their appearance is of great importance.

A serving of fruit in the evening will be much more useful than a serving of cookies or sweets. But if you do not burn all these carbohydrates, then the addition of kilograms is inevitable. So try to eat fruit before vigorous activity. If you really like to eat fruit in the evening, try to reduce the portion to one cup.

Nutrients are equivalent to carbohydrates.

Although fruits contain large amounts of carbohydrates, they are filled with other nutrients.

Natural substances in fruits, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber and prebiotics are very good for health.

Instead of limiting yourself only with apples and berries, diversify your diet and eat seasonal fruits.

You should also not worry about the sugar in the fruit. Sugar in this case is unrefined, much less concentrated.

For comparison, one tablespoon of refined sugar contains 16 grams of carbohydrates and zero nutrients. In other words, sugar in fruits and refined sugar are completely different concepts.

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