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How many years will you live in love and happiness

Sergey Evelev

writer, TV and radio host


Those who believe only in science, in the proven, in what can be seen, heard, sniffed, tasted and touched, can no longer be read. It will be about what is just beyond the above. There are mediums, soothsayers, Vanga, Messing, Leonardo da Vinci, and many like them, who left their mark on the earth for thousands of years.

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I happened to meet a woman who was a professor of psychology in her own country, and when I moved to the USA, I experienced a terrible tragedy and lost my husband and three children in a car accident. After that, she, as the doctors probably would have said, moved her brains, and failed to get her out of this state, despite the numerous attempts and all the modern achievements of medicine.

She lives in Los Angeles and works as a fortune teller or, if you will, a fortune teller. He makes guesses on maps and, from my point of view, it sounds perfectly normal, and I did not notice any traces of the “roofing roof” in it. We met, again, by chance, in a cafe, and talked. It turned out that although she is from South America, some of her ancestors are from Russia. But the ancestors of old, from the eighteenth century. So, in the course of the conversation, she told me one very curious theory, with which I want to introduce you, my readers.

Maria (name has been changed) said that over the thirty-odd years that she spent in communication with thousands of people who told her about their fate, she came to the undeniable conclusion that every couple on earth has a certain number of hours of happiness. And nothing can be done about this figure, not decrease, not increase. How much is allocated to you - so much you will receive. I doubted, but she told a dozen stories that she had witnessed.

Situations where she predicted with sufficient accuracy how many people would be together, and after that they really separated. The reasons were different: they quarreled, love passed, a new passion appeared, the death of one of a couple, etc.

You, probably, yourself guessed that she didn’t work as a predictor before the tragedy that happened to her, but more and more as a psychology professor ... It happened to her after that, and she herself couldn’t scientifically explain this phenomenon, yes and did not try. She lived as it happened. I went to the side where the fate led her. So, she and brought this rule, the law even, in a sense ...

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Each pair, if it unites, is given a certain number of years, months, even days. The figure is accurate and hard. She is relentless, and like a Damocles sword hangs over her head. And on that day, when the stock ends, people diverge.
More precisely, not so. They, maybe, do not disagree physically, and even still live together, for the rest of their lives, but the piece of happiness written by him has ended. Yes, someone runs up in search of another partner, and some still pull this strap because of laziness, fear, unwillingness to change something, sell a house, share property, look for another or another.

There are many other reasons forcing them to sit aside, and not to move in the direction of a fresh wind and exciting new adventures.

Here, as it usually happens, there is good news and not so much.

Of the good ones: you can not believe in this theory, and enjoy life, since you, most likely, will not read any serious scholarly works on this issue. Shrug it off and let's go further. From not very funny - this, or even those who believe in it. Then it turns out that any relationship is predetermined in advance and, in most cases, are doomed to the fact that they will exhaust the "given limit" of time and fall apart. Well, something like this.

And hence, of course, the question is, what to do? Probably, this question can be asked by those who believe in such a theory, since those who do not really believe or do not really believe have long stopped reading and switched the TV channel or turned the page of the newspaper to where they are fascinatingly talking about another shooting or something who was in what dress at the shameful and shameful procedure called "Oscar".

Awarding the winners, that is. Once upon a time, only thirty years ago, it could still be watched without disgust. But not today. Today it is a freak show. But that's not the point.

If you believe that this is so, a number of questions arise, many of which, for sure, have no answers. Search for a pair? Where? How? How to understand what I found? And, most importantly, what to do with the understanding that you are “cut off” a piece of time and then nothing good?

This is probably the most difficult question of all.

I think it's easy to live and be happy that they found a couple at all and that you were given at least some segment of the joint path. They might not have given out at all. Millions of lonely people sadly walk the earth, who for various reasons (or maybe it's just fate) have not found a couple for themselves. Therefore, if found, then - hold on.

How many? How much is obtained. But when time is up, maybe you don’t need to be stuck in a fictional world because of laziness and fear of breaking away what has long been torn, decayed, broken up, rotted? ..

Maybe move on, where are you, perhaps, waiting for something new, exciting, fresh, necessary, important? Will it possibly take you to a new level of communication, bring you a lot of new joys and prolong your life? Although it is most likely not forever? And what's forever? Universe, stupidity, love, memory, laziness? What? All of the above? None of the above? Both are possible.


We decide for ourselves and act. One way or the other. The lack of a solution is also a solution. And the absence of actions is also actions, although you already know this without me.

Good luck to everyone and millions of hours of joy.

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