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Broad bone and other signs that indicate peasant origin


Source: Rambler

Now it has become fashionable to be interested in your roots and study family history. Of course, many want to find among their ancestors titled persons or, in extreme cases, small landowners, but given the events of the XNUMXth century, the chances of being the owners of "blue blood" are small.

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However, if it is impossible to study the archives of the family, you can carefully look at your own body. It is better than any documents tell about the class status of your ancestors, writes Rambler.

Wide bone

Indispensable for people living by physical labor, and completely superfluous for the nobility, whose destiny is to fight and rule. Well, the noblewoman did not take anything heavier than an embroidery needle.

Short fingers, wide hips and ankles

A more particular sign of arable land workers, completely unnecessary for the privileged class. The girls of noble birth were distinguished by narrow hands with long slender fingers. Ideal hands for playing the piano.

Round face and wide chin

A more controversial sign, since such a form of a face may be due to ethnic characteristics. And among other nations there were also aristocrats. But among the noblewomen, elongated faces with high foreheads and narrow chin were common.

Large foot size

The wider your feet, the more comfortable it is to stand, work in the field or go for water. Needless to say that the aristocrats did not need this. No wonder the main sign of Cinderella, which makes it worthy in the eyes of the prince - is a little leg. By the way, the Asian peoples also held such views. Noble Chinese women were bandaged for this from childhood.

Rosy complexion

Naturally pale skin, which did not know tanning (a consequence of working under the scorching sun), spoke of a high origin. To highlight it, some young ladies even drank vinegar. The fashion for tanning came only in the democratic XX century, when tanned skin began to be considered a sign of health. But "blood and milk" was the dignity of enviable peasant brides.

Congenital pathologies

Yes, and it also spoke of a noble origin, although it was not a reason for joy. It is all a matter of common marriages among the nobility. In Europe, alliances between cousins ​​and second cousins ​​were the norm. Our aristocrats were more fortunate, the church did not approve of such marriages. But our noblemen also married relatives, multiplying the genetic characteristics of the family. For example, Pushkin's mother, Nadezhda Osipovna, was accounted for her husband, Sergey Lvovich, a second cousin.

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