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'Heart is breaking': Milla Jovovich spoke about a serious illness of a newborn baby


Source: 7 Days

Fans of Milla Jovovich are saddened by the actress's new message: she wrote on her page on the social network that her baby, who was born just a little over a week ago, is sick, reports "7 days".


According to Milla, her little Oshin is so weak that she is not even able to suck milk, so Milla had to abandon breastfeeding.

“My Oshin has a particularly severe case of newborn jaundice, which does not go away. Therefore, we travel all week from the hospital and back. Doctors told me that she needs to eat as much as possible so that she quickly removes all unnecessary from her blood. But she falls asleep so quickly during breastfeeding that I had to get a device with which I express my milk and feed it from a bottle ... ”- said Milla.

On the subject: Attempt number three: men, children and the long-awaited happiness of Mila Jovovich


“My tiny poor thing already has so many wounds on his heels - traces of endless blood tests that my heart breaks when I look at her. Let's hope that the following analysis will show that she is feeling better, ”the actress admitted.

However, despite the illness of his youngest, Jovovich still tries not to lose heart. In the end, she still has consolation - she is moved to tears when she watches how her two eldest daughters - 12-year-old Ever and 4,5-year-old Deschiel - touchingly take care of their little sister and how much they admire her.


As Jovovich said, both help her a lot, including feeding Oshin from a bottle. What did the pictures that Milla published on her microblog attest to?

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