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The secrets of harmony after 40

Alla Tsvetkova



I want to look good at any age, but the older we get, the harder it is to stay slim and attractive. This is especially true for women who have reached the age of forty. All periods of life are beautiful in their own way, and in order to fully feel this, you simply need to study the new features and needs of your body, and this article will help you with this.

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What do you need to remember women who decide to lose weight at the age of forty? Starting changes is necessary with a review of your diet, which is necessary to adapt it to your age, state of health and lifestyle. Here are some general tips:

Do not overeat! Prefer slow carbohydrates. Any carbohydrates can be divided into slow and fast, it all depends on the speed with which they are broken down in the body and converted into glucose. To measure the speed introduced a special indicator - the glycemic index (GI). The following carbohydrates are slow (low GI):

- All legumes, including lentils, soybeans, white and red beans, green beans, chickpeas, baked beans. Barley (pearl barley or shelled), whole wheat pasta.

These products should be consumed in combination with vegetables in the ratio 1: 1. The total portion for one meal can not be more than 350-400.

- Apples, peaches, cherries, grapefruits, plums, oranges, pears.

These foods are great for snacking. Try to use no more than 300-350 g of these products once a day.

- Zucchini, spinach, peppers, onions, leafy greens, leeks, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes.

These products are perfectly combined with meat or fish in the ratio 1: 2. Ideal for main meals. The recommended amount of no more than 350-400 g total serving per meal.

- Eliminate soda from your diet due to their high calorie content, as well as a large amount of sugars and various food additives. Any carbonated drink has its own sweet and sour base. Each carbonated drink contains a certain amount of sugar, or its substitute, and acid. One gram of sugar = 3.85 kcal. Therefore, we can easily find out how much sugar is contained in any 0.33 liter drink. In Pepsi it will be 8 pieces, in Coca-Cola it will be 6.5 and so on.

- Eat foods that contain the maximum amount of calcium. Calcium is an integral part of proper nutrition for women during the period of extinction of reproductive functions, since a decrease in estrogen levels contributes to the development of osteoporosis. Normal calcium levels are essential for bones and muscles, which is important during exercise.

Calcium content in products (100g / mg)

Milk 3% fat / 100

Curd / 95

Sour cream / 90

Hard Swiss Cheese / 600

Egg 1 pcs / 27

Herring (fresh) / 50

Shrimp (boiled) / 110

Black chocolate / 60

Black Bread / 100

Cabbage / 210

Leek / 92

- The diet should contain fiber. It must be remembered that the state of the gastrointestinal tract plays the most important role in losing weight. It is fiber that will help improve peristalsis, normal evacuation of processed foods, and it also helps to cleanse the body of toxins, excess cholesterol from food and normalize the intestinal biocenosis.

It is contained in such products:

Pumpkin. It is useful not only for vessels, but also for the liver, which is a factory of "building proteins" for the whole organism.

Bran and cereals. All products with bran (non-first grade cereal bread, durum pasta) help cleanse the body of harmful substances. Such cereals as wheat, corn, rice and buckwheat will be very useful.

Do not forget about bran:

Wheat bran - 165 kcal on 100 g.

Oat bran - 246 kcal on 100 g.

Rye bran - 221 kcal on 100 g.

Rice bran - 316 kcal per 100 g.

Roots. Carrots and beets, in addition to fiber, also have antioxidant properties due to a large set of vitamins.

Legumes Green peas, lentils, beans, peanuts are very useful sources of fiber. 100 g of these products contains about a third of the daily value.

Fiber content in food

Name Quantity Fiber (grams)

Apples with 1 Peel Medium 5,0

Banana 1 Medium 3,92

Dried dates 2 medium 3,74

1 / 2 Medium 6,12 Grapefruit

Pear 1 Medium 5,08

Raspberry 1 cup 8,34

Strawberry 1 cup 3,98

Avocado (Fruit) 1 Medium 11,84

Cooked carrots, 1 cup 5,22

Boiled cabbage, 1 cup 7,2

Cooked peas, 1 cup 8,84

Boiled sweet potato, 1 cup 5,94

Pumpkin large-fruited dining room cooked 1 cup 5,74

1 Bran Bread 19,94 Cup

1 Whole Grain Bread Slice 2,0

Oat 1 cup 12,0

1 Whole Grain Pasta 6,34 Cup

1 Cinnamon Rice 7,98 Cup

Black beans cooked, 1 cup 14,92

3 Flax Seeds 6,97 Spoons

Cooked beans, 1 cup 13,33

Lentils cooked, 1 cup 15,64

Lima beans cooked, 1 cup 13,16

Soybeans cooked, 1 cup 7,62.

We recommend using at least 20-30 of fiber daily. For maximum effect, do not forget to drink enough water.

- You need to provide your body with all the essential vitamins and minerals. This point is especially important, since all metabolic processes begin to slow down by the age of forty, and they can be normalized with the help of proper nutrition. A large amount of raw vegetables, herbs and fruits is the best way to saturate the body with essential nutrients.

It is necessary to enrich your food with foods that contain a large number of phytoestrogens, as well as estrogen-like compounds.

Products that are richest in phytoestrogen: beans, lentils, peas, pumpkin seeds, flax and sesame.

You will get selenium and zinc from such products: pumpkin, mustard, mushrooms, Brazil nuts, pistachios, walnuts, garlic, eggplant, oyster, eel, seaweed, sesame.

Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. Their main sources are:

Fatty and bold fish varieties. About 100-150 g salmon, mareli, trout or tuna should be in the daily diet at least 3 once a week. It is important to consider that the fish must be fresh, not frozen. Particular attention should be natural canned fish. They may be up to 3-x daily norms of unsaturated fatty acids.

Nuts such as: Brazilian, walnuts and pistachio (not only have a high content of fatty acids, but also have a high content of selenium and zinc, which has a beneficial effect on the appearance of a woman) - the daily intake of these nuts should not exceed 30 g.

Vegetable oils. Cedar, flaxseed, pumpkin, sesame oil can be added to salads. The daily rate ranges from 1.5 to 2 teaspoons per day. Oil can be used on an empty stomach, with a glass of warm water, and fill them with salads.

Vitamin complex

Vitamin C. Its daily intake at the maximum dose of about 70 mg will ensure the strength of the vascular wall. Products containing the most vitamin C per 100 g include:

• Black currant 200 mg (up to 300 g per day)

• Sea buckthorn 200 mg (up to 300 g per day)

• Kiwi 180 mg (up to 300-350 g per day)

• Cauliflower 70 mg (from 400 to 600 g per day)

Folic acid. The largest amount of folic acid per 100 g product contains:

• 240 mcg peanuts (up to 30 g per day)

• liver (chicken and beef) 240 mcg (up to 200 g per day)

• 80 mcg spinach (from 400 to 600 g per day)

• walnut 77 µg (up to 30 g per day)

Vitamin PP (nicotinamide). The daily rate is 14-16mg. The greatest amount of vitamin PP per 100gr product is found in:

• Peanuts 18.9 mg (up to 30 g per day)

• liver 17.5 mg (up to 200 g per day)

• tuna 15.5 mg (from 100 to 300 g per day)

• turkey 13.3 mg (from 100 to 300 g per day)

• pistachio 13.3 mg (up to 30 g per day)

• chicken 12.5 mg (from 100 to 300 g per day)

• rabbit 11.6 mg (from 100 to 300 g per day)

- Give preference to fish over meat. The high content of unsaturated fatty acids makes fatty fish essential components of a healthy diet, as they have antioxidant effects, improve the functioning of the nervous system and slow down the aging of the body. It is best to consume about 100-150 g of salmon, sturgeon, mackerel, sardines, halibut or saury 2-3 times a week with a vegetable side dish.

- Boost your metabolism with drinks. Sugar-free green tea and plenty of pure water (about 1.5 to 3 liters) will provide a good fluid balance in the body, which will help you lose weight faster and reduce hunger.

A drink such as fruit water is perfect for speeding up metabolism, especially now, in the summer it can be made from almost any berries and fruits, just pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the fruit or berries, let it cool - and a tasty, healthy and refreshing drink is ready.

If in the summer because of the heat you suffer from excessive swelling, you will help ginger tea. It is very easy to prepare it: grate or chop ginger 20 g, add a slice of orange, half an apple and mint. Fill it all up with a liter of 0.5 boiling water and let it brew for 5 minutes, then add another 0.5 of liter of water of any temperature. Drink with pleasure, this tea will not only relieve swelling, but also accelerate metabolic processes in the body.

- Limit your intake of sugar-containing foods as much as possible. But this does not mean that you should completely forget about sweets. An excellent alternative can be sweets with dried fruits and nuts, homemade cottage cheese desserts with marmalade and nuts, biscuit biscuits ("Maria", zoological, etc.), as well as stevia and made from wholemeal flour. Such a delicacy is easy to find in special sections of supermarkets. You can pamper yourself with a little bitter chocolate - 20-30 g per day. It is always better to drink tea with jam rather than sugar. Do not forget about the correct yeast-free bread, crispbread. Its amount per day should not exceed 30-60 g.

A woman's life is beautiful, you can spoil it only by following the stereotypes and deceptive illusions formed by society. Everything depends only on ourselves, and the possibilities are limited only by our framework. Getting rid of excess weight at any age is a guarantee of health and attractiveness, which is absolutely necessary to improve the quality and longevity.

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