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The longest treatment: a 35-year-old woman recovered from COVID-19 after 130 days in the hospital


Source: report

UK resident Fatima Bridle battled coronavirus for record 130 days, writes "".

Photo: Shutterstock

The woman spent all this time in the hospital. It is noted that for 105 days she was connected to a ventilator.

Bridle contracted the coronavirus while on a trip to Morocco. In early March, a 35-year-old woman returned to Britain with her first symptoms. A few days later, she tested positive for the coronavirus.

Later, the British woman's condition worsened, and she could not breathe on her own. She was transferred to intensive care and connected to mechanical ventilation. Bridle fell into a coma and did not regain consciousness for 40 days. Against the background of the coronavirus, the woman began to develop pneumonia and sepsis. As a result, doctors restored the performance of her lungs by 40 percent.

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The woman will have to live with one working lung. She is currently unable to walk on her own due to muscle weakness. Bridle uses a walker, but hopes exercise will help restore her muscles.

The UK has been hit harder than other European countries by COVID-19. It is in ninth place in the world in terms of the number of infected people - more than 296 thousand people. More than 45 thousand of them died.

The total number of cases of coronavirus infection in the world has exceeded 14,4 million. Most of the infected were detected in the USA, Brazil and India.

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