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The most magnificent model in the world has published a frank selfie.


Source: instagram

The most magnificent in the world mannequin Tess Holiday Holiday published a frank selfie in lingerie in a hotel room in Las Vegas. Her self-portrait scored more than 44 thousands of likes in the social network.

This is not the first such frank publication of Tess - last year she laid out an ironic photo from a hotel room, where a hotel robe did not converge on it. She recently posted a snapshot of last year in which she is breastfeeding her little son.

Tess Holliday is the most pompous mannequin in the world. In January, 2015, she signed a contract with a prestigious modeling agency Milk Model Management. Last year she gave birth to her second son, it is worth noting that after pregnancy and childbirth her figure did not change at all. As before, it now weighs about 150 kilograms.

In her statements, Tess does not advocate overweight as a rule, but insists that even with extra pounds a woman can be beautiful.

Yesterday mannequin in her Instagram told about the incident with the driver of the service Uber, who, having drawn attention to the size of his passenger, began to ask her rather rudely about her health. Tess stated: “Yes, I am fat, but I have a fat wallet and no longer intend to pay Uber“. She also drew attention to the fact that the driver himself was not at all the standard of harmony.

Usually, photos of Tess Holiday love to criticize on social networks, but selfies in the bra have collected many compliments.

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