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Redheads perceive the world differently than everyone else.


Source: Huffingtonpost

It turns out that redheads perceive the world differently, and all this is due to a small genetic difference. Hair color is not the only thing that distinguishes redheads from everyone else, writes Huffingtonpost.

According to the genetic differences that give people fiery shades of hair, they also affect skin color and the perception of the world as a whole.

For example, redheads are more sensitive to pain and cold temperatures. In addition, according to Dr. Edwin Lyem of the University of Louisville in Kentucky, "fiery" people need more anesthetic for various surgical interventions, including dental procedures, as the pain threshold in red is quite low.
Another thing has also been noticed - in red nurses, patients got up on their feet much faster. The light skin of red-haired people is much more susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, which is why they need to pay special attention to sun protection.
Scientists at the University of Newcastle concluded that human skin produces two types of melanin that protects against dangerous radiation, and in the body of a red person one of these types is not enough.

And while scientists are still trying to figure out why this is happening, they are building various theories about the fact that it is linked to the MC1R gene. In redheads, a variant of this gene is present. And it also affects the processes that are responsible for pigmentation. Experts suggest that MC1R has an impact on that part of the brain that deals with sensations. And it is this effect that leads to increased sensitivity.
Redheads on the ground total 2%.

It is established that the age of the gene responsible for red hair, light skin and freckles is from 50 to 100 thousands of years. This means that it is much older than the genes of the “homo sapiens” type, to which modern humanity belongs. Dr. Rosalind Harding, dealing with genetics and microbiology at the Institute of Molecular Medicine. John Radcliffe, believes that this gene appeared even among the Neanderthals who inhabited Europe 200 thousands of years ago. The largest number of red people live in America - about 12 millions. People with curly red hair are mostly found in Scotland and Ireland - by 13% and 10% of redheads of the whole world, respectively. Overall, 40% of the red-haired population of the planet falls on the descendants of the ancient Celts.

It is believed that red men and women have a brighter temperament, very passionate and unrestrained. This fact is difficult to prove in a scientific way, but the hypersensitivity of the skin of red-haired people is known for certain - bruises and abrasions appear faster and heal much longer than in people with dark and blond hair.
Hair and skin color characterize the features of the human nervous system. People with dark tones of eyes, hair and skin are less vulnerable to external influences. Among all types of redheads - the most unstable type, anti-stress hormones are secreted from them in the smallest quantity. People with red hair, at first glance, seem to be calm, but in fact they most often have a groovy character and belong to the choleric type. This sunny hair color is associated with fire, hence the stereotypes about indomitable temper, short temper, love of freedom. According to psychologists, the majority of redheads from childhood have to experience great psychological pressure (which is only “redhead, redhead, freckled, killed the grandfather with a shovel!”). This gives them patience, steadfastness, autonomy, stubbornness and the ability to defend their own opinions.
The red-haired man always stands out in the crowd, he attracts attention, attracts glances. No wonder the red-haired women were assigned to the role of fatal beauties and “red beasts”, marked by amazing solar beauty, which Rubens and Titian tried to convey in their canvases.

And here are some fatal beauties with red hair color:

Drew Barrymore. Photo: depositphotos
Gillian Anderson. Photo: depositphotos
Julia Roberts. Photo: depositphotos
Julianne Moore. Photo: depositphotos
Marcia Cross. Photo: depositphotos
Nicole Kidman. Photo: depositphotos
Tilda Swinton. Photo: depositphotos

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