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Russian-speaking woman and her 7-year-old son died in a snow trap in California


Source: Daily Mail

50-year-old Olga Perkowitz from San Francisco and her 7-year-old son Aaron Goodstein died in a snow trap in Kirkwood, California.

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They were skiing in Sierra Nevada, but at one point a huge block of snow struck them from the roof of their house, reports Daily Mail.

Noticing ski gloves in the snow and realizing that the woman and the child were most likely buried under the snow, the neighbor called 911.

According to law enforcement, spring warming often leads to the fact that large pieces of snow slide off rooftops, and occasionally injure people. But over the past 30 years there have been no deaths due to this.

Perkowitz’s mother, who remained in a building with other family members, informed the police that a woman with a child was missing, around 18: 40.

Rescuers searched the nearest ski resort of Kirkwood for several hours because the last known location of the couple was the ski lift, where they pierced their tickets around 16: 00.

Around 21: A neighbor of 00 noticed gloves and realized that the mother and child were most likely buried under the snow near the house.

After the rescuers got them, the victims were taken to the hospital. There the doctors stated their death.

Earlier heavy snowstorms in the region led to the death of two skiers in early March.

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