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“Russian style or Olympiad?”: Melania Trump's festive dress caused stormy controversy. PHOTO, VIDEO



On the occasion of Independence Day, the first lady of the United States came out in a dress from Caroline Herrera. As always, Melania Trump attracted a lot of attention for her clothes - and in her outfit, the public again began to look for secret messages.

On the eve, July 4, in the United States celebrated the main national holiday - Independence Day. On this occasion, large-scale celebrations were held in Washington, the main participants of which were, of course, President Donald Trump and his wife Melania.

It was to her, or rather, to her side, that the attention of the public was riveted. The first lady came out, as always, with irreproachable make-up from Nicole Bril, and Melania chose a snow-white Caroline Herrera dress, which was decorated with thin colorful horizontal stripes, as a festive attire.

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Despite the many encouraging comments about the wife of the president, there were also those who saw some secret messages and symbols in him.

Someone compared Melania's outfit with sheets of lined paper, some noted that the first lady had clearly confused Independence Day with the Olympics.

Others felt that the multi-colored stripes clearly indicate that the first lady expresses support for the LGBT community.

But the commentator went farthest of all, who decided that Melania Trump's outfit was made in the “Russian style”. Like, ribbon rings - a superstition that allows you to stay away from evil spirits, writes

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Two weeks ago, fans condemned another outfit of the first lady of the United States, in which Mrs. Trump came to speak to her husband before Congress. Then very many outfit Melania recalled the dress Kate Middleton.

Do you think Melania wanted to say something special with her outfit or are the stripes just stripes?

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