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Russian woman tried to sell her 13-year-old daughter's virginity for 20 000 euros


Source: Federal press

The court announced the verdict of a 35-year-old native of Chelyabinsk who tried to sell the innocence of a 13-year-old daughter.

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According to the press service of the Moscow Interregional Investigation Department for Transport of the TFR, a woman was sent to a colony for human trafficking, writes Federal press.

Recall the shocking story occurred in January of this year. Mother and her friend Alina Kukanova brought a schoolgirl from Chelyabinsk to the capital. The ladies intended to sell the “right of the first night” with the girl to a rich businessman.

The woman has estimated virginity of the child in 1,5 of one million rubles. Elena Anisimova started looking for a client who was willing to pay such a sum.

"Potential buyer" quickly found. Militiamen saw the ad on the network and set a sad mother and her friend a meeting in one Moscow restaurant. Women were detained red-handed.

Mother was sentenced to 4,5 year of imprisonment with a sentence being served in a general regime penal colony. Earlier, the court handed down the verdicts to her collaborators. Both received 3,5 for the year of the colony.

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