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Russian singer spoke about severe injuries after beating her American husband


Source: Rambler

Singer Nargiz Zakirova in her microblog touched on the serious topic of domestic violence. She urged women not to put up with this phenomenon in any way and told her story of a break with her tyrant husband.


Nargiz said that the other day she saw a story about a model that for seven years was practically enslaved by her husband, writes Rambler. The story so outraged her that she could not keep silent and decided to write a message.

The singer is angry because similar situations continue to occur at a time when the authorities do not even think about doing something. To pay attention to the problem and warn her subscribers, Nargiz told her own story. Zakirova admitted that this decision was very difficult for her, but she hopes that in this way she can help someone.

“Broken jaw… broken ribs, death threats, attempts to kidnap my son and moral pressure on my 9-year-old daughter… This is a short description of my sad story.”


The singer is confident that if the beatings happen at least once, the repetition will be inevitable. After the break in relations, there were threats of murder and attempts to steal a small son, but the singer remained adamant in her decision, which she never regretted.

“I left him right after that one fatal incident. Maybe there were thoughts about forgiveness for the sake of preserving the family ... If not for the look he threw at me, lying on the asphalt. In half a second I realized that it was not love. "


Nargiz subscribers were shocked by her story, but admired her determination. They admitted that the problem is really common, and someone even told similar sad situations from their lives. “And she did the right thing to leave! It would no longer be a family! ”,“ A real man will never use his power against a woman, thereby showing his insignificance. Girls, you love the wrong ones ... ”,“ This is the wisest decision that should be made in such horror. What a pity that my mother made a choice in favor of the "man". It seems that she is already an adult, she has her own family, but resentment and a sense of betrayal still sometimes remind of themselves ... ”,“ I agree, only men who are weak in spirit, or those who are offended by someone or something, with complexes, do this. ”

Former husband of Zakirova, musician Philip Balzano lives in New York, but recently came to Russia and even participated in blind auditions for the Voice program. He claims that he treats his ex-wife with tenderness and will always love her.

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