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Childbirth took 35 doctors and nurses: how 50-year-old Briton gave birth to fours



Tracy Britten already has three grown children and eight grandchildren.

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Kids - three girls and a boy - were born on October 26 by planned cesarean section on the term 31 week of pregnancy. The week before, on October 19, a survey showed that one of the fours suffers from a blood supply disorder, and this threatens the life of the whole four, so Tracy was admitted to the clinic at University College London and began to prepare for surgery. Deti.Mail.

Childbirth took 35 doctors and nurses. The first was born a girl weighing about one and a half kilograms. Then her sister was born, the first of a pair of identical twins and the smallest of fours, weighing just under 900 grams. Her twin sister weighing 1100 grams was born third. Then their brother was finally born, the largest of the four, weighing more than 1600 grams.

All the babies were immediately taken to the intensive care unit. They still cannot eat on their own, but three of them are already breathing, and their condition does not inspire fear to the doctors. In the intensive care unit now only the smallest of the four remains, but her work is going smoothly. It is planned that all fours, whose names Tracy and her husband Stephen have not yet invented, will be discharged home no earlier than January 2. But Tracy hopes that if everything goes well, the little ones can be at home already at Christmas.

Tracy became the oldest mother of all fours in the UK. The woman has three adult children from her first marriage and eight grandchildren aged from 7 months to 11 years, but she always dreamed of another child. When Tracy turned 2017 in December, 50, she decided it was time to fulfill her dream. In April, 2018, he and Stephen went to Cyprus and, using the services of one of the infertility clinics, spent seven thousand pounds sterling on IVF inherited from her mother.

Four embryos were implanted into Tracy's uterus, but one did not settle down, but the other spontaneously split, resulting in identical twin sisters. Tracy refused to follow the recommendations of doctors and get rid of two embryos in order to increase the chances of survival of the other two.

“It was a very stressful period. I was frightened that I would not be able to carry the pregnancy even to 28 weeks. But thanks to my inner strength, I was able to convey to the week of 31. I was very determined to succeed and did not allow myself to think about anything else, ”says Tracy.

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