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Alexander Litvin's recommendations for June 2019

Alexander Litvin

researcher, pharmacist


June 2019 of the year is characterized by hidden emotions. Imagine a volcano that was silent for thousands of years and people have already forgotten about its danger.
Many of us will be such a volcano: calm on the outside, but ready to explode from the inside. Numerous misunderstandings can lead to an eruption and, as a result, to the destruction of relations.

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June's motto - the sapper makes mistakes only once, you should be extremely careful when communicating with each other, delicacy is the number one task, talk to each other and let your opponents speak out, the energy of the explosion can be played off carefully and safely.
If you are going on an independent journey behind the wheel of a car, you must remember that having experience and a driver's license this June is not yet an indicator of safety, especially when it comes to traveling in familiar surroundings, surprises will lie in wait within a radius of ten kilometers from your home parking lot. ...


A June routine is the worst kind of activity, it is better to do three different short things in a day than one long one. The hardest work in June is work on the ground and especially at noon, do not overheat in the sun and remember that its excess radiance reduces criticism of your own capabilities. Don't lift heavy objects.
For knowledge workers - plan the schedule so that the maximum workload falls on the morning hours from 8-00 to 10-00 and from 20 to 22 hours. And everyone, without exception, needs a noon siesta.

Family love

Emotion is always at the heart of our relationship - and in June, emotions have little control, both joy and anger.
Try to be restrained in your joy and your sorrow. The tendency to hyperbolize both one and the other is a path to rupture, nature periodically subjects us to tests, including family strength. Be careful, your new sympathies are the illusion of June.


In June 2019, they are prone to resentment and looking for adventure: if they feel bad at home, they will look for a more comfortable place, the task of adults is to provide comfort in their own home, special attention to children born in December and 2008. Their desire for feats does not coincide with the level of intuition. These children need to be protected from heat and sunstroke. Pyrotechnics require special attention - do not allow children to play with fire and do not play yourself.


Travel in 2019 is most favorable in a westerly direction and closer to the water, however, sea travel can cause trouble, the squall wind in June 2019 is dangerous both on water and on land. Areas with volcanic activity are the most dangerous.

The most dangerous holiday destination this year is the western coast of Spain and Portugal, the Azores and Canary Islands.


In June, there is a need to control your savings, since what is earned with difficulty is spent easily and mostly stupidly in June, the most relevant item of expenditure is transport, but not decoration, but the braking system, steering and air conditioning systems as transport. and dwellings.


In June, first of all, the cardiovascular system is under threat, people with appropriate diagnoses need to take preventive measures and be careful. The main cause of disease and complications is dehydration.

June is the best time to start advertising and PR projects, launching new radio and television programs and Internet projects. If you are a media person, update your portfolio, if you are a designer, re-photograph your work in June: a well-forgotten old can get a new impetus.

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