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The kid hijacked the car for the cheeseburger


Source: Telegraph


The kid hijacked the car for a cheeseburger. Photo: depositphotos

What can a child go for who wants a cheeseburger madly?

For example, to steal his father’s car to go to McDonald's. That's exactly what the 8 year old boy from Ohio did. On Sunday evening, 9 April, when the parents had fallen asleep, the hungry boy took out the keys to his father’s car, then decided that he was sad to go alone and took his younger 4-year-old sister, who sat in the passenger seat, and went to the nearest fast-food restaurant McDonald's, Said Telegraph.

Having traveled a mile and a half independently, the boy did not break a single rule of the road. He always stopped at a red light, missed other cars, including before turning to McDonald's. Later, when a policeman tried to find out where the boy had learned to drive a car, he replied that he had learned to drive on rollers from YouTube and previously driving the car did not sit.

When the child approached the window McDonald'swhere drivers are served, the staff of the establishment decided that it was a practical joke. They thought that the parents are hiding in the rear seats.

And even though the child calculated everything in advance and emptied his piggy bank to pay for the order, the staff still considered it necessary to call the police. Accidentally near McDonald's turned out to be a family friend who witnessed the incident. He called the grandparents of the children to come and pick up the grandchildren.
It turned out that the children were not so hungry, rather, they wanted adventures and cheeseburgers, which they gladly ate when their relatives arrived.

And the baby was very upset when he was told that he had broken the law, he said that he just wanted a cheeseburger.

Patrol policeman Jacob Cooler decided not to punish his parents and did not bring any charges against them, and the children returned home safely with their grandparents.

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