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Advertized "detox tea" can lead to unplanned pregnancy


Source: The Sun

One of the leading experts in the field of health warns women that the use of fashionable detox tea can lead to unplanned pregnancy.

Dr. Virginia Beckett, a representative of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, told The sun onlinethat the composition of the tea "Detox" includes leaves of the Seine, which have a laxative effect. This tea can cause diarrhea or vomiting. And after such an effect on the body, the effect of contraceptives may weaken.

Dr. Beckett warned that if a woman has health problems or stomach problems, then for reinsurance it is worth using additional contraceptives, such as condoms.

“If a woman vomits within two hours of taking the birth control pill, the pill may not be completely absorbed into the blood, so she should take another pill immediately,” she said.

“As long as a woman has stomach problems such as vomiting or diarrhea, her body does not have enough protection against pregnancy with birth control pills. Additional protection is required. In addition, in the next two days, even if the state of health has improved, additional contraceptives are also needed, ”the expert explained.

Dr. Beckett warns that very severe diarrhea (6-8 times in 24 hours) reduces the effectiveness of birth control pills significantly.

“If this happens, women should continue to take the pill as usual, but use additional contraception when sick and for two days after recovery. If the reaction to detox tea lasts longer than two days, then a woman should consult a doctor, ”the specialist concluded.

Bootea and Flat Tummy Tea contain both leaves of sena, and natural laxative, which can affect the effectiveness of the pill.

Bootea, a drink that was promoted by online celebrities, including Vicki Pattison, and Stephanie Davis states on her website:

“Our teas can affect the accuracy of the pill. We cannot comment on other forms of contraception and ask you to consult with your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before taking tea. ”

Meanwhile, in the magazine Flat tummy teawhich Chloe Kardashian and Kylie Jenner promoted, responded as follows:

"Our tea is natural and super-delicate, although because it works to cleanse, it may reduce the effectiveness of certain medications."

Dr. Beckett warned that other factors may influence the effectiveness of birth control pills.

“Women should take the pill at the same time every day. If they don't, or miss the appointment, their chances of getting pregnant are increased, she said.
- Certain medications (including antibiotics, epilepsy and HIV medications) and herbal remedies such as St. John's wort can interact with birth control pills, making them less effective. The specialist will be able to advise women whether the medication will interact with the contraceptive pill and whether they should use an additional form of contraception when taking the medication, ”said Dr. Beckett.

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