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Early diagnosis saves: what examinations your man needs to undergo regularly


Source: New Time

Regular checks of the state of the body will help to detect and sometimes prevent a number of serious diseases in time, writes New Time.

Photo: Shutterstock

The expert of the publication Stas Ostrovsky gave valuable recommendations that men should adhere to in order to preserve youth and health. Further from the first person.

Evidence-based medicine simplifies the task for men - there are significantly fewer obligatory regular examinations for us than for women. Therefore, in addition to a small list of checks, I decided to share recommendations for the simplest checks that many men forget about. It is with their help that a number of critical diseases can be detected in time and sometimes even prevented. Save to notes.

Basic profile checks

  • Therapist or family doctor (for comments on the results of basic blood and urine tests);
  • Ophthalmologist;
  • ENT;
  • Endocrinologist;
  • Dentist.

Everyone should visit the listed specialists from an early age, at least once a year. The following check-ups are age-related or health-related.

  • Chest fluorography (from 20 years old - annually);
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland (from 20 years old - twice a year);
  • Examination by a proctologist (from 30 years old - once every two years);
  • Visit to a cardiologist (from 40 years old - at least 1 time per year in the absence of symptoms at an earlier age) + ECG;
  • Urologist (after 40 years - 1 time in 2-3 years) - a specialist may prescribe a PSA blood test (to detect prostate cancer), if necessary;
  • Analysis of the total level of cholesterol in the blood (from 35 years old - annually, without fail);
  • Checking feces for occult blood (from 50 years old - once a year). Previously, it should be done with such symptoms: unreasonable nausea and vomiting, frequent heartburn, belching, bloating, abdominal pain, stool disturbance.

And now I'll tell you about simpler checks, for which it is not necessary to immediately run to a specialist - they can be carried out independently.

Blood pressure check

High or low blood pressure can indicate problems with the cardiovascular system, brain, kidneys, or vision.

How and when to check

  • Before 20 years, it is desirable to measure it at least once. If the parents had cardiovascular diseases at an early age, it is worth measuring blood pressure more often, depending on the doctor's recommendations;
  • At the age of 20-29 years at a pressure of 120/80, it is sufficient to measure once every five years;
  • At the age of 30-39 years - once every three years, in case of normal health;
  • From 40 to 60 years - once every two years;
  • From 60 years and above - once every two years, if the pressure is 120/80, and once a year if the pressure is high or low.

I emphasize that all this is under normal health conditions. If you are meteorological or feel weak, pulsation in the temples, as well as previous checks showed high or low blood pressure, it is advisable to check more often.

Skin check

Most men forget to look after their skin. Perhaps this is due to the well-established myth that dermatological care is more about beauty, moreover, about women. In fact, it is the skin that sometimes signals the state of health - and not only of its own, but also of other organs.

For example, having suspicious moles can be a symptom of melanoma, a type of skin cancer. If the moles are large, swollen, itchy, and bleed from time to time, these are alarming signs that you should immediately consult a doctor with.

How and when to check

Approximately once every three months, you need to examine your body from all sides on your own or with the help of loved ones. Remember to pay attention to hidden areas: behind the ears, between the toes, on the scalp, carefully running your fingers between the hair.

Those who are at risk (with suspicious moles, rashes and other dermatological problems) are advised to visit a specialized specialist (dermatologist / dermato-oncologist) at least once a year.

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Those who like to constantly spend time on the beach, exposing their torso for a beautiful tan, as well as those who spend a lot of time outdoors, it is advisable to keep a closer look at the condition of the skin.

Body mass index

WHO also recommends that you remember to check your body mass index.

To determine it, you need to divide the body weight in kilograms by the height in meters, squared. For example, if your weight is 85 kg, and your height is 1,8 m, you must first square the height in meters, and then divide your mass by the resulting number:

85: (1,8 * 1,8) = 26,23

Your body mass index is 26,23.

BMI indicators from 18,5 to 25 are considered the norm at a young age. Indicators 16 and below indicate a pronounced underweight, 16-18,5 - insufficient weight. Indicators 25-30 are called "preobesity", or overweight. 30–35 - obesity, 35–40 - severe obesity, 40 or more - very sharp obesity.

Deficiency or overweight can be a symptom or cause of critical illness. However, these figures are approximate, there are exceptions that most often concern athletes. In addition, much depends on the age, lifestyle and climate in the place of residence. Therefore, if you have any doubts, it is worth contacting your family doctor, and not trying to find the problem yourself.

If you lead a healthy lifestyle, then the risk of critical illness decreases. But, one way or another, he is. And the possible fear of them is definitely not a reason to refuse checkups.

The material is published for informational purposes only, is not a recommendation and does not replace a doctor's consultation. ForumDaily Woman is not responsible for any diagnosis made by the reader based on the site's materials, as well as for the consequences of self-medication, and may not share the point of view of the author or expert.

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