Should I go on an exotic trip with children
ForumDaily Woman
The vacation season is approaching, and very often parents make the decision to travel with children to new countries. It seems to us that the discovery of new exotic places will delight our baby, and also show him the world from a new side.

Psychologists are categorically against this approach! For children under 5 years old difficult travel is not recommended due to safety and fatigue. And even after 5 years, an exotic vacation will not be the best choice. But this does not mean at all that you cannot change the environment. It turns out that for kids ages 5 to 10, the ideal vacation is a return to well-known places.
Well, if your family has a tradition of visiting relatives or a favorite resort. If you recently became parents, you should now think about the place that is best suited for the future of traditional recreation.

A practicing psychologist and author of many best-selling books, Oliver James (not to be confused with "naked chef" Jamie Oliver) asks parents to be careful. It is important to understand that children begin to open new boundaries and look for diversity only from adolescence. Until that time, enough stress and uncertainty are falling on their still weak psyche. Kids tend to relax as much as possible after the school year, and not to expose themselves to new challenges.
Therefore, a warm beach and ice cream will be important conditions for children's recreation. An excellent option for the whole family will be the opportunity to spend the holidays with grandparents. Moreover, it is a good opportunity to relax and parents.