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Products that remove puffiness

Alla Tsvetkova



To maintain your health you should take care of yourself in various ways. Organizing your diet helps to restore metabolic processes in the body, which leads to an improvement in overall well-being, as well as to lose weight. In metabolic processes, water plays a key role. And this means that a person needs to be able to not only eat right, but also drink right.


In order to cope with the swelling, there are a number of fairly simple recommendations. First of all, you need to drink clean water on 1.5-2 l daily, in small portions. This will help restore the water-salt balance in the human body and remove the accumulated water from the body. Please note that the water should be plain, non-carbonated. After all, the water that is contained in juices and all sorts of drinks, less effectively cope with the removal of toxins from the body. In addition, coffee and alcohol retain water in the body, which leads to even greater puffiness.

There are many products that are able to remove excess water from the body. If you suffer from edema, you should add the following foods to your diet.


This amazing plant of the umbrella family has found its use in the kitchen of many countries. Parsley gives a special flavor to salads and potato dishes, but beyond that, it brings great benefits to the human body. First of all, it has a strong diuretic effect due to the potassium contained in it. Also parsley helps to normalize the metabolism, which speeds up the process of losing weight. Low-calorie product, which contains essential amino acids, vitamins A, C E, PP, B 1, B X NUMX, helps to normalize blood pressure and hemoglobin level. A day is enough 2-30 of fresh parsley to replenish the daily intake of vitamins A and C and trace elements. Also due to the fiber contained in it, parsley contributes to the elimination of toxins from the body and has a mild effect on the intestinal wall. It is worth paying attention to the fact that parsley is contraindicated for those people who suffer from inflammatory processes in the kidneys.

Parsley broth

For quick and effective removal of swelling, you can use parsley decoction. The broth is prepared as follows: a glass of chopped parsley and its roots pour boiling water, 500 ml. Leave the mixture to infuse to cool, then filter. The broth is taken three times a day for half an hour before meals in the amount of 4 tablespoons. The decoction treatment is 10 days, after which you need to take a break for two days and, if necessary, repeat the course of treatment. In addition, the decoction has a strong diuretic effect, it also eases menstrual pain, helps with prostatitis, and normalizes blood sugar levels.

Parsley root soup

Boiled parsley root is very useful. In addition, it has a spicy taste and aroma. Parsley root goes well with potatoes, meat and fish products. It can be added to stews and salads. But parsley root is especially good in various soups. Try to cook a healthy soup at home. To do this you will need:

• 3 bulbs

• 2 garlic cloves

• 750 g potato

• 1 parsley root

• 1 red sweet pepper pod

• 2 table. spoons of vegetable oil

• 2 table. spoons of soy sauce

• pepper

• 1 l vegetable broth

• 1 bunch of parsley

Onions, garlic, potatoes and parsley root clean and wash. Sweet pepper wash and remove seeds. 2 potatoes postponed, cut remaining together with pepper, onion, parsley root and garlic. Heat the vegetable oil. Fry in it chopped onion, garlic, pepper, potato and parsley root. Season with soy sauce and ground black pepper. Pour broth. Stew 30 min. Put grated potatoes on a coarse grater and put in broth for 10 minutes before the end of the quenching. Season with spices to taste. Wash the parsley, dust it off and chop finely. Pour the soup into a tureen and serve it, sprinkled with parsley.

Parsley Dishes

1. Tomatoes stuffed with garlic and parsley


• Tomatoes - 4 pcs.

• Parsley - 150 gr

• Garlic - 2 cloves

• Olive oil - 1 Art. l

• Salt to taste

Tomatoes need to be washed, cut off the top and remove the core, freeing up space for the filling. Then add salt, set aside and start preparing the filling. To do this, thoroughly wash the parsley, shake off the water with it and finely cut, garlic must be rubbed on a fine grater. Then put the parsley with garlic in a deep bowl, add the oil, salt and thoroughly crush all the ingredients. Put the prepared filling with a teaspoon inside the tomato and leave to stand for a couple of hours.

2. Chimichuri sauce


• Parsley - 3 Art. l

• Cilantro, coriander - 3 Art. l

• Bulgarian pepper - 1 pcs.

• Garlic - 6 cloves

• Oregano - 5 gr

• Onions - 1 pcs.

• Olive oil - 6 Art. l

• Vinegar - 1 tsp.

• Salt to taste

This spicy sauce is perfect for meat dishes. To make it, you need to finely chop the onion, garlic, Bulgarian pepper and greens, mix everything, add vinegar, spices and oil and then mix it well.

3. Celery and Walnut Salad


• Oranges - 1 pcs.

• Celery - 4 pcs.

• Vegetable oil - 2 Art. l

• Walnuts - 50 gr

• Parsley - 1 Art. l

Cut the celery into cubes, about 2 centimeters wide. Put it in a stainless steel pot. Grate the orange peel. Squeeze the juice out of the celery and simmer for 5 minutes. Mix the nuts, zest, parsley, celery, pour over with oil - and the salad is ready.

So, we learned about the most common products that remove excess water from the body. But in the human diet, there are often foods that retain water in the body. In order to get rid of puffiness, you need to revise your diet and limit the consumption of the following products:

• salt and food that contains it;

• canned and pickled foods;

• sauces containing preservatives (ketchup, mayonnaise);

• fatty dairy products, hard cheese, spreads, margarine;

• yeast products, baking;

• any kinds of smoked meats;

• chicken eggs;

• sweet tea and coffee, alcoholic beverages;

• fast food, chips, crackers, products that contain preservatives.

If you swell often, you should take into account the above information and replace junk food with more useful products, taking into account your own taste preferences. And then the good state of health and fine appearance are provided to you!

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