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Foods that women over 40 should not eat


Source: Rambler

After 40-45 years, it becomes difficult for women to maintain their former figure due to a change in hormonal levels and slower metabolism. At this age, it becomes especially important to exclude harmful foods from your diet.

Photo: Shutterstock

Fast food

If at a young age, one or two hamburgers a week will digest the body and not notice it, then with age women’s metabolism slows down, and all the “empty calories” are deposited on the sides, writes Rambler.

So that you are not “spread out”, give up any fast food and cheap confectionery. The trans fats contained in them (hydrogenated vegetable oils) are especially harmful for women of mature age.

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Sweet drinks

Packaged juices, soft drinks, and soda contain more calories than a bowl of borscht or vegetable salad. Due to the high glycemic index of these drinks, drinking them after age 40 dramatically increases the risk of type XNUMX diabetes.

White bread

The female body reacts differently than the male to the fast carbohydrates contained in white bread. Scientists estimate that for women who regularly consume a lot of white bread, the risk of heart attack increases 2,2 times.

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In addition to harm to the heart, white bread also hurts the waist. Fast carbohydrates are rapidly processed into glucose, immediately causing a feeling of fullness, but just as rapidly and are absorbed, after which the body requires a new meal. The result is extra pounds.

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