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Foods and nutrients that actually slow aging: your doctor's advice


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Svetlana Vladimirovna Mashak, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Histology, Embryology and Cytology of the Pediatric Faculty tells in detail "Domashny Ochag" about “rejuvenating products” - antioxidant components, working to maintain youth and vital activity of cells.

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1. Bioavailable water

The most important and basic product that helps to preserve youth and beauty is water with a mineral composition. The quantity and quality of consumed water (it must be enriched with useful minerals, that is, bioavailable, close in composition to blood plasma) largely affects the health and youth of the body, since this "precious liquid" affects the state and circulation of the intercellular space. An example of such a product is coral water. The realization of the human genetic potential depends on how efficiently and actively the movement in the intercellular space is, that is, in other words, the life of the body's cells.

2. Amino acids

Amino acids such as lecithin are essential for brain function. It is these components that ensure its youthfulness, protecting the processes of neurons. So, lecithin activates intellectual activity, creative activity, improves memory, helps to reduce nervousness and irritability. This component increases the proportion of "good" and reduces the proportion of "bad" cholesterol, which can reduce the risk of heart disease. Lecithin is found in sufficient quantities in eggs, as well as in foods containing a large amount of fat - beef or chicken liver, seeds and nuts, fish, sunflower oil and meat.

Lecithin is involved in the regulation of fat metabolism - it is he who removes fat-soluble toxins from the body, improving the detoxification process. This component accelerates the structural recovery of liver tissue under toxic effects of drugs, viruses, alcohol, nicotine. The additional introduction of lecithin into the diet prevents eye fatigue and various visual impairments, and also increases the protection of the skin against free radicals.

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3. Plant enzymes

It's no secret that after 35 years of age, the enzymatic activity in the human body decreases, so that the amount of enzymes produced decreases. The inclusion of a complex of plant enzymes in the diet helps to thin the blood, cleanse the parietal deposits of blood vessels, improve blood circulation - thus improving the blood supply to organs and becoming less undigested products. This, in turn, helps to rejuvenate the body. The fact is that it is blood and tissue fluid that create the biospheric water cycle in the body, the quality and dynamics of which affects the youth and healthy appearance of a person.

4. Dairy products

As early as the late 19th century, the importance of normal flora in the small intestine was established. Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov spoke about the theory of aging associated with a violation of microflora, in particular, a violation of the "microclimate" in the intestine. He believed that disturbed flora can cause intoxication and aging of the body. Therefore, to maintain youth, the flora needs to be renewed by eating foods with beneficial bacteria. Most of the beneficial bacteria are found in fermented milk products.

5. Omega 3, 6, 9

This set of ingredients is a true “inner cosmetologist” - it rejuvenates the body from the inside at the cellular level! Omega 3, 6, 9 promotes the renewal of cell membranes, most of which consists of phospholipids. We live in a deeply continental country where there are very few fresh fish from which one could naturally obtain Omega 3, 6, 9. In addition, this ingredient strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

6. Vitamins C and E

Vitamins C and E, as well as other antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables, work on the immune system, which is responsible for the body's defenses. Vitamin C is also essential for the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid, which affect the condition and quality of the skin. Being an active antioxidant, vitamin C slows down the aging process, protects against external negative factors and improves skin elasticity. Good sources of vitamin E are nuts and seeds, and vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits.

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7. Vitamin D

Without vitamin D, calcium cannot be absorbed in the intestines, with the result that there is a high likelihood of osteoporosis (bones become brittle and brittle). Vitamin D is also important for the immune system, protects against cancer and is beneficial for heart health. Raw egg yolk, dairy products, cheese (cottage cheese), butter, seafood are rich in vitamin D. In addition, with age, many people spend less time in the sun, and the very ability to synthesize the "sunshine vitamin" through the skin also decreases over time.

8. Products with sulfur content

Sulfur is a structural component of the most important biomolecules: proteins, including proteins of the immune system, enzymes, hormones. It is a part of keratin - the main protein of the epidermis of the skin, hair and nails, participates in the formation of the main proteins of the connective tissue - collagen and elastin. Therefore, with age, it is recommended to pay special attention to the amount of sulfur entering the body. Sulfur-containing foods are those that are included in the daily diet of most people, namely cereals, bakery and dairy products, legumes, vegetables.

9. Biotin

Biotin is widespread in nature and is found in both plant and animal products: liver, legumes (soybeans, peas), eggs, yeast. The vitamin of youth and beauty maintains a sufficient amount of keratin in the body, improves the condition of hair and skin, and prevents early graying of hair. Biotin is also responsible for the structure of nails, eliminating brittleness and separation, restores the work of the sebaceous glands, since it affects the fat content in skin cells, including the scalp.

10. Curcumin

Turmeric contains the most curcumin. The turmeric roots are boiled, dried and ground into powder. It turns out a spice of bright orange color. Curcumin is found in a lesser concentration in strawberries. This ingredient plays an important role in supporting the synthesis of hormones - specifically testosterone in men and in the production of estrogen in women. These hormones affect sexual function, youthfulness of the body and general human activity.

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