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Health problems and dangerous diseases that are inherited



Nature "copies" from parents and conveys to the kids even moles, the shape of the nails and ... the ability to sit on the twine. It turns out that some external signs indicate hereditary ailments.

Photo: Shutterstock

Despite scientific research and the level of development of medicine, genetic engineering is still completely beyond human control, writes In completely healthy parents, children with serious hereditary pathologies are born. It is known that "defective" cells can be transmitted from generation to generation and not manifest themselves until a certain point.

There are now over 6 of thousands of genetic diseases in medical directories, of which approximately 350 are most common. It remains a mystery by what principle an individual set of physiological characteristics of a child is formed, but each married couple has a risk of a sick baby. Therefore, it is important to carry out genetic diagnosis before conception. Serious diagnoses associated with violations of hereditary information require medical attention. But there are many innocuous at first glance ailments, which are also inherited.

So, what external signs can indicate hereditary family health problems?


Disease of the sebaceous glands, in which blockage and inflammation of the hair follicles occurs, is called acne or acne. “The skin is blooming,” usually grandmothers soothe their grandchildren, who suffer from pimples and red dots in puberty, and soothe that the skin rashes are temporary and will soon pass. No matter how! Millions of teenagers don’t even know what acne is, but millions of adults struggle with oily skin and acne before old age. Skin reactions to changes in the hormonal background, structure - this is heredity. What kind of skin the child got from mom or dad or other close relatives becomes clear in adolescence. If you are not lucky, then wide pores and single rashes will have to be masked throughout your life. Special cosmetic care helps make the problem less noticeable, but does not completely eliminate the problem.

Tendency to corpulence

Children inherit a predisposition to excess weight from their parents. Among the reasons accompanying completeness are metabolic rate, body type, and many other factors. If the family has a corpulent mother, then most likely the daughter will also gain weight quickly. But there is comforting news: weight can and should be controlled. Obesity is often associated with poor eating habits, lack of diet - in short, with overeating and a sedentary lifestyle.

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Intolerance to dairy products

This is called lactase deficiency, a syndrome characterized by the fact that milk sugar (lactose) does not break down in the intestine due to the lack of the lactase enzyme. The disease is most affected by children. Surprisingly, pathology can appear and disappear in adulthood. As a result of intolerance, nutrients are not absorbed, the body is dehydrated, putrefactive microflora multiplies, etc. A rather unpleasant syndrome, but if we are talking about babies, then it is very dangerous. Fortunately, now the food industry produces enough alternative milk products. But a lactose-free diet will have to adhere to a lifetime. Among the causes of occurrence are the machinations of genetic engineering, which inherits unhealthy cells.


Do not rush to rejoice that the child effortlessly sits on the splits and twists his arms, like a gymnast in a circus. Excessive flexibility may indicate a serious congenital disease - Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a pathological change in connective tissue due to impaired collagen synthesis. The disease is hereditary and incurable, transmitted from parents to the child. Conservative treatment required.


Or “the problem of geniuses” - a violation of the ability to master reading and writing skills when a child distorts sounds, confuses letters, repeats the same mistakes. Meanwhile, she was noticed by many prominent people - the storyteller Andersen, the scientist Einstein, the artist Leonardo da Vinci and many others. Speech therapists and psychologists are engaged in the correction of the reading skill, and the sooner the work of specialists begins, the more successful the result will be. Well, the root cause lies in heredity.

Varicose disease

It used to be that women were more likely to suffer from varicose veins: pregnancy provokes the disease, when the load on the vessels increases, and the hormonal background is unstable. Or athletes experiencing strong physical exertion. But the leaders in the list are risk groups - people genetically predisposed to problems with veins, both sexes. At the initial stage, the disease does not manifest itself, only fatigue in the legs and heaviness can be felt, but the farther, the worse, visual signs (vascular asterisks, venous nodes) appear, pain intensifies, swelling and convulsions occur. Dangerous is not varicose veins, but thrombophlebitis, which develops against the background of varicose veins. Therefore, if you notice discomfort in the legs, and one of the relatives has varicose veins, go to a phlebologist - the probability of inheriting this disease is almost 70%.


Migraine affects 15% of the world's population. As a rule, the first bouts of exhausting hours-long headache appear in a child in adolescence. The hardest to carry after 50, then less worried. The mechanisms of the onset of the disease are not fully understood, but it is known for sure that bad heredity intervened here. If the mother has migraines, then with a probability of 70%, the illness will overtake the child.

Wet palms

More than 2 million sweat glands are located on the human body, some of them are eccrine glands, massively located on the palms and soles. If the glands malfunction, then a person begins to suffer from increased sweating - hyperhidrosis. The disease is not fatal, but it gives a person a lot of inconvenience - difficulties in communication, the inability to obtain some professions. The palms of a person suffering from hyperhidrosis are wet and cold all the time. The primary form of the disease is related to heredity, but there are secondary causes of sweating - for example, excitement, hormonal changes in the body, etc. To get rid of hyperhidrosis, medications, physiotherapeutic procedures and even operations are prescribed.

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Dermatitis in children

Allergy susceptibility is inherited. And inflammatory skin damage, when redness, scales and even wounds appear, are the allergic reaction of the body. If the baby has inherited this family feature, then a number of rules will have to be observed in order to alleviate the condition or even minimize diathesis. And further always adhere to preventive measures.


Single small patches of skin, painted in a darker color, can be in a newborn baby, but can appear throughout life for various reasons. Excessive bright pigmentation develops as a result of the accumulation of melanin cells, which is responsible for skin color. Most often this is just a cosmetic defect, which is difficult or even impossible to get rid of, but sometimes malignant formations can be masked by age spots. In any case, if there are age spots on the child’s body, a specialist consultation is necessary. Hyperpigmentation also has a genetic predisposition.

  • Tatyana Podolskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist with 29 years of experience:

- In addition to the diseases listed above, other very dangerous diseases are transmitted to children:

Albinism or lack of pigment, which manifests itself in the absence of the usual color of the skin, hair and eye shells. Indeed, albinos inherit their gene from their parents, but the disease is more insidious than it seems at first glance. Albinos are most often diagnosed with deafness and blindness, they should not be in direct sunlight without protective equipment to avoid severe burns, and the probability of developing skin cancer in albinos reaches 80%.

Myoma called benign hormone-dependent uterine tumor. The predisposition to the development of fibroids is inherited. About 20-40% of women of reproductive age face the problem. The main symptom of fibroids becomes bleeding, but the gynecologist makes an accurate diagnosis based on the results of tests and ultrasound of the uterus. Myomas are most often treated surgically.

Ovarian dysfunction. By this is meant a violation of their activity associated with a change in their ovulatory and secretory function (hormone production). Most often, the disease is characterized by menstrual irregularities, uterine bleeding, pain of various localization, pronounced PMS, amenorrhea (absence of menstruation for more than 6 months) and infertility. The diagnosis of ovarian dysfunction is made by a gynecologist based on the patient’s history and examination. Dysfunction can be inherited. To exclude the disease should undergo a mandatory gynecological examination 1 once every six months.

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