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Habits that prevent us from starting the morning correctly


ForumDaily Woman

Morning needs to start right. Photo: depositphotos

Each person has certain habits with which he begins his day. Not all that we are accustomed to do immediately after waking up brings us benefits.

How not to spoil your day?

1. Do not jump out of bed as soon as you wake up. The body needs time to completely get out of sleep. Give him a few minutes. Let your rise be unhurried and correct. Stretch, do breathing exercises, then light exercise, and then get up.

2. Do not wash with hot water. Especially when it's cool outside. And do not take a hot shower. Let the water be warm or even cool. It tones and invigorates the body.
If after a hot shower to go out on a cold street, the body does not have time to quickly rebuild, and you can catch a cold.

3. Do not drink coffee on an empty stomach. One of the most pernicious habits. Coffee on an empty stomach can lead to stomach problems, so it is better to drink a glass of water first. And be sure to - breakfast. Breakfast boosts 35% performance, energizes the rest of the day, improves mood, improves memory and helps to lose weight. So, first breakfast, then coffee.

4. Do not think about the bad. And do not think about work or hassle. Leave the morning half an hour to think about something good, positive and joyful. This will install all day.
While you are going to work, get ready for a new day - program yourself for pleasant emotions, and your day will be full of optimism and positive.

5. Do not start the day by checking email. And also from reading news feeds. Constant checking of email, instant messengers, social networks makes us nervous, and this negatively affects our mood and productivity throughout the day.

The most optimal is to start your day with pleasant little things, with the fact that it soothes and pleases you. Charging, walking with a dog, a cup of tea, pleasant conversation with loved ones.
And if you can change your morning and you will not make all these mistakes, vigor and good mood will be guaranteed to you all day long.

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