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Prince Harry and Megan Markle moved from the royal palace


Source: Correspondent

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are now living in a cottage in Windsor and have already received the first guest.

Duchess of Sussex Megan Markle and her husband Prince Harry moved to the country house of the Frogmore House residence in Windsor, reports Correspondent with reference to The Mirror.

It is noted that the first guest in their house was Hollywood makeup artist Daniel Martin, who did the wedding makeup to the duchess. He was not far from the residence and decided to visit them.

He had previously visited them at Kensington Palace in London. Then, after his visit, Martin posted a photo of his dinner on Instagram and thanked Markl for her friendliness and secret love of avocado toasts.

We wrote about that couple decided to put in the cottage Frogmore House triple glazed windows. In addition, the residence will be equipped with solar panels for hot water and electricity.

Also, Harry and Megan Markle decided to create a "room for panic" in their cottage. The Duchess of Sussex is so concerned about the security issue that she decided to create a room in her residence where she plans to take refuge in case of a threat.

In total, the Dukes of Sussex spent on repairs about four million dollars. British taxpayers do not like this wastefulness.

Most recently, as part of the "separation from the Cambridge" couple Megan and Harry - more precisely, their office - opened own Instagram account. In just a couple of days, their page beat the world subscriber record speed record.

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