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Coming to Russia after living in California: first impressions


Many said that we would come to Russia and immediately feel the local depression, we would see only evil people on the streets of the city and so on. In short, the impression is very negative after California. Honestly, I mentally prepared myself to pay attention to the good rather than the bad.


Yes, in some places broken roads and well, very aggressive and nervous driving for me.

Yes, creepy tongues, which place in the garbage, and people with evil faces in them, that smile itself is sometimes uncomfortable.

Yes, the prices of food and in the cafe as kapets increased, and I do not know whether salaries have increased.

I didn’t pay much attention to all this, because there are relatives, friends, theaters and my favorite TYUZ (which I already had today) and a lot of pleasant memories in insanely cozy cafes. But you know what finally finished me?

DISCONNECTING HOT WATER. And heating too, by the way. There was just some kind of accident and everyone was turned off. And no warning or announcement after the fact. As in student days - I washed in a basin.

And I also don’t understand these hot water shutdowns in the summer, such as for prevention. It seems that during this prophylaxis they do not do anything anyway, because in the fall, in the first cold weather, everything breaks down anyway, and they turn it off again. Of course, there is romance! And in principle - it did not spoil the mood.

In California, for 2, 2 once intended to turn off the cold water for 2 hours, and I remember sending a notification in a week. But the water, by the way, was never turned off as a result. And the warnings were! .. In short, I lost the habit of it, I lost the habit.

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