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Causes of weight gain in case of cold weather

Alla Tsvetkova



It's no secret that when the onset of cold our body tends to gain weight. The reason for this is that a person accumulates energy in order to use it in the future - to maintain thermal balance in the body. As the ambient temperature decreases, in order to retain heat, the body needs to create a barrier of a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, which, in fact, is a thermostat. As a result, anabolic processes begin to prevail, that is, the calories eaten for the most part go to the formation of fat - the waist and sides crawl in breadth, and fat in this case becomes first-class insulation. If weight gain does not exceed 3 kg, then the situation is under control, whereas 3.5 kg and above is already a lot.


But sometimes it is very difficult to determine what kind of kilograms we have: laid down by nature and the necessary reserve to support the functioning of the body, or simply laziness. Indeed, in the cold season, we spend more time under a blanket, skip exercises and workouts, and spend our spare time watching TV, sitting on the Internet or in a chair with a magazine or a book.

There are a number of main reasons for which the arrows of the scales treacherously creep upwards, as soon as the thermometer shows the numbers that are near the 0 mark:

- Insufficient consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits. Our food basket in winter varies greatly. Stocks of vegetables, berries and fruits are over (only sauerkraut remains), and the closer the winter is, the more often we replace fresh food with spicy and salty dishes, smoked meats, pickles and preserves. All this is poorly digested and even more stimulates the appetite. But no one cancels the use of frozen vegetables. In addition, cabbage and apples are stored until the onset of summer.

We offer several winter recipes for cooking vegetable dishes:

Cabbage stewed with dried fruit

White cabbage - 500 gr., Onion - 80 gr., Carrots - 100 gr., Dried apricots - 6 pcs., Prunes - 8 pcs., Kefir or unsweetened yogurt - 100 - 150 ml, ketchup - 50 gr., Salt.

Dice the onion, grate the carrot, cut the dried apricots into 4 pieces and prunes into 2. Finely chop the cabbage.

Lower the onions and carrots in the pan for 5 minutes, then add the dried fruits and simmer another 5 - 7 minutes. Then add the cabbage and pour vegetables with kefir with ketchup. Simmer the cabbage for 15 minutes over medium heat.

Cauliflower in a pot

300 g cauliflower or broccoli, 200 g cottage cheese, 1 Art. spoon of yogurt (sour cream), salt to taste.

Rinse the cabbage, disassemble into inflorescences, pour over boiling water and put in a pot, dressing with cottage cheese and add salt to taste each layer, pouring kefir on top. Cover the filled pot with a lid (foil) and set in a preheated oven, simmer for 10-15 minutes, until the cabbage softens.

Frozen Vegetable Stew

1 packaging of frozen Mexican mixed vegetables, 300 gr. cauliflower (frozen), 300 gr. broccoli cabbage.

Put all the vegetables in the pan, add bay leaf, salt, spices to taste and pour 50 ml of water.

Very tasty, if you make the sauce: dilute ketchup ("Paprik", Torchin) - 50 gr. with water - 75 ml and pour vegetables. Stew 10-15 min. For 2 min. Add greens to readiness, it will give your dish a pleasant aroma.

- Transition to winter time. At five outside the window it is already getting dark, in the twilight all our senses become sharper - hearing, touch, sight, smell and, of course, taste. That is why fried potatoes seem especially tasty to us. And since in the evening our brain loses the ability to perceive the hormone of satiety as sharply as during the day, we immediately run for supplement.

- Low physical activity. In cold and windy weather, few people can brag about the desire to walk in the park or at least walk one block. This is easily explained by the lack of vitamin D and the hormone of happiness - seratonin. Therefore, as soon as the sun comes out from behind the clouds, be sure to go out into the fresh air - at least for twenty minutes.

- Depression. Beginning in the fall, many feel depressed and depressed: this is the action of the stress hormone cortisol, which also leads to weight gain, as it slows down the metabolic rate in order to save energy.

We are able to stop the mechanism of winter weight gain and the most important thing in this matter is not to be led by reflexes. Instead of indulging yourself with something fat or sweet or spicy, go to the gym, swim in the pool or go dancing.

To compensate for the lack of tactility, sign up for a massage - they will raise the mood and adjust the figure. Also a great alternative would be a bath or sauna.

Practical recommendations:

- Add more vegetables, fruits and cereals to your daily diet - they are as useful in winter as in summer. Include kale, oranges, kiwi, spinach, and a variety of greens in your diet. Broccoli, cooked properly, tastes better than chips and even sweet pie.

- Cultivate the habit of drinking tea and coffee without sugar. From sweets that spoil the figure, go to lollipops. Eat dried fruit instead of cakes and pastries.

- When preparing for winter, dry apples and other fruits yourself. After all, dried fruits that are sold in the store are soaked in sugar syrup for better preservation - and these are extra calories, which we are completely useless.

- Be in the fresh air as much as possible, especially during daylight hours. Fresh air and movement will help you to refrain from unnecessary sweets.

- Drink water, preferably at room temperature. This habit will not only help you get rid of extra pounds, but the intestines will work like a clock.

- Limit alcohol consumption. Not only does it contain a lot of calories, but it stimulates our appetite.

- Bright colors are another source of serotonin. Buy a bright blanket, change the tablecloth, serve the dining table with colorful napkins - and you will be in a positive mood.

- If the apartment is cool, do not sit under the covers. Better than tea with sweets, cleaning or exercising will warm you up - in extreme cool conditions, the body will consume one and a half times more energy, and you will become a couple of centimeters slimmer.

- Rules for parties and other events are a separate item. Firstly, do not come to the holiday hungry - two hours before the supposed feast, have a hearty meal, a bowl of soup and a piece of meat would be an excellent option. Learn to say no every time someone suggests a supplement.

By adhering to the approximate nutritional plan given below, you will be able to keep weight normal.

Day 1

Breakfast: buckwheat porridge or any other - 150-180gr., vegetable salad or vegetable stew (stewed vegetables without potatoes) - 200 gr.

Intermediate food intake: baked apple - 1pcs. or baked pumpkin - 150-200gr., honey - 2chl., tea.

Lunch: soup or soup - 250 gr., meat (baked, boiled, steamed) - 100gr. or lard - 30 gr., bread - 30 gr.

Intermediate food intake: cottage cheese casserole - 150 gr., tea or cottage cheese - 100 gr., raisins - 2 tsp, yogurt or kefir - 200 ml

Dinner: cabbage stewed with beans and mushrooms, or vegetable stew - 250 gr., steam chicken cutlets or meatballs - 100-120 gr.

Day 2

Breakfast: porridge on milk with raisins or honey - 150-180gr., tea.

Intermediate food intake: nuts (dried) - 30gr., dried fruits - 30gr., tea with milk or cocoa with milk.

Lunch: buckwheat or vegetable soup - 250 gr., boiled tongue or chicken - 100 gr.

Intermediate food intake: fruits (citrus) - 200-250 gr.

Dinner: cabbage salad with sour cream - 200-250 gr., steamed or grilled fish - 100-150 gr.

Despite the fact that, in fact, a set of several kilograms over the winter - a natural process, weight gain has a negative impact on health. Therefore, the implementation of simple recommendations, a healthy diet and exercise will help you stay in great shape at any time of the year!

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