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Late bedtime affects sperm quality


Source: NEWS

Chinese scientists conducted a new study that proves that men who have a habit of going to bed after midnight have much lower sperm quality than those who follow normal sleep patterns, they write News.

Harbin Medical University has invited 980 young men to participate in the experiment for 6 months. Participants were divided into 2 groups.
Some went to bed after midnight, and others much earlier. Also taken into account the total number of hours of night sleep.
It turned out that those who sleep a little have less sperm and a lower sperm survival rate.

Photo: depositphotos

For those who are awake until midnight and longer - the quality of sperm is much worse, even if the total duration of sleep is at least 8 hours. This means that sleep until late morning does not replace the evening and significantly affects fertility.

Dr. Ilya Bar, chairman of the Israeli Center for Reproductive Medicine, says that the results of the Harbin Medical Center are confirmed by other studies in this area. In addition to improper sleep patterns, factors such as smoking, obesity and lack of physical activity also affect male fertility.

“When the body resists to disturbances in biological equilibrium, it naturally decreases its ability to reproduce sexually,” says Dr. Bar.

Recommendations for those couples who want to get pregnant are simple - first of all, you need to establish a healthy lifestyle, which increases the chances of natural fertilization. Refusal of harmful food and smoking, normal physical activity, normalization of sleep patterns. If all this is present, then you can contact the doctors for additional examination and treatment, if required.

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