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There is a new way to get a green card.


Source: NEWS

At the moment in the United States there is an acute shortage of low-skilled workers, and therefore companies are trying to attract immigrants to work.

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Several large American companies have submitted many applications and have already received approval from the US Department of Labor to hire thousands of people from any part of the world without experience who can arrive in the country using a green card and work for this company for at least one year as a service worker. writes the publication “NEWS".

This method is a little expensive, but anyone outside the US, even if he does not have experience or education, or, conversely, has a doctoral degree, can get a ten-year green card if he works as a cleaner for a large company for one year. . (Member age can range from 18 to 55 years).

If a person has a family, his or her spouse and all children under 21 of the year can enter the country with him, but only one person needs to work for one year as service personnel in this program.

That is, the spouse or spouse of a program member can work anywhere else.

Salaries for this program are quite low - the minimum earned by the state where the program participant will work (from $ 5,15 to $ 12,5 per hour), but you can work overtime and get more.

In any case, it is necessary first of all to get a green card and later American citizenship; Also, if you wish, you can work at another job. After the end of a one-year contract, you can move to any other state and apply for another job.

It will take approximately one and a half years from starting the application process for this program, obtaining all necessary permits from the Department of Labor and Immigration Services, and until you enter the United States. The only requirement is the absence of a criminal record and any problems with the law.

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