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The results of verification of falsifications in the show 'Voice. Children ': do not agree on Channel One


Source: KP

Passion for the sixth season of the music project Voice. Children "broke out at the end of April, when 10-year-old Mikella Abramova, daughter of the famous singer Alsou, became the finalist. 56,5% of viewers voted for it. Some famous pop stars were unhappy with this result. After their public statements, the leadership of Channel One stated that it was necessary to conduct a technical audit in order to dispel any doubts and rumors about “anomalies” during the voting.

The St. Petersburg firm SMS Services, which officially engaged in counting the votes of the audience in the finale of the show “Voice. Children ”Channel One, conducted an internal audit. To eliminate the possibility of an error or fraud, “SMS services” rechecked and processed all calls and SMS messages from viewers, which they sent on the program’s live air, writes KP.

From the official report published on the company's website, you can see the following. During the voting there was no DDoS or other hacker attacks. Each phone number from which a vote was sent for one participant or another was recorded in the technical logs of the platform.

Calls and SMS messages were received from Russian telecom operators - PJSC Megafon, Mobile TeleSystems, VimpelCom, Rostelecom and other telecom operators, through which real money was received, which makes wrap-up technically impossible. That is, the vote was real. As a result of the check, I did not find any falsification of SMS services.

However, even without checking, when the passions a little bit of a walk and looked at what happened without extra popular emotions, it became clear that there really was a victory. There is no mystery in it and it has been said many times about its causes. Mikelle Abramova was actively helped by her mom's colleagues in the singing workshop.

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Natasha Koroleva, Garik Martirosyan and other stars of show business have appeared in their accounts in social networks with a request to support the girl they know from the cradle. Even Stephen Seagal, even admired, promised to cheer for Mikella. But, firstly, all normal people support their relatives and friends, and secondly, it is not prohibited by the conditions of the competition.

“I recently stumbled upon the show“ Voice. Children, "looked Mikella Abramova performance. How did this girl impress me ... My little star is flying high! ”, Said Olga Buzova to her 15 millions of subscribers. What do the dedicated fans do after this? Naturally, watching the performance, so impressed their child idol, and send SMS in her support. It also happened in the native Alsou regions, where voting for any native of the republic on the big stage is generally a matter of honor. That's the whole secret of 56,5% votes.

But the most interesting thing is that these percentages are far from sensational, in other cases the gap has been more.

In different seasons of the show, the percentage of separation of the winner was from 9,1 to 33,6% of votes.

The following statistics in descending order:

Season 3 - 33,6%

Season 1 - 33,5%

Season 6 - 28,6% (result by Mikella Abramova)

Season 5 - 22,5%

Season 2 - 17%

Season 4 - 9,1%

Previously, the finalists came to victory with a large number of votes, and this did not bother anyone:

Season 3 - 61,7% of the vote

Season 1 - 58,2%

Season 6 - 56,5% (result by Mikella Abramova)

Earlier, the voting was not supported by such “stars” of show business - neither “for” nor “against” candidates.

In general, the phenomenon of which we witnessed during the sixth season of the popular show was much wider and deeper than the debate about children's voices. We saw a battle and a victory of a completely different kind. Before our eyes, television has lost social networks. The victory of the Internet was so unexpected and occurred with such a devastating result that it caused a shock to many.

The behavior of Valery Meladze, Yusif Aivazov, Dmitry Nagiyev, Svetlana Loboda and others (it is surprising why Prokhor Chaliapin is silent), demanding that Michella be banned from going on stage and reviewing the results of the competition, by the way, was also not on TV, but her own instagrams. After that, a real HYIP war broke out in social networks, where some launched a campaign in support of their daughter Alsou: “Friends, be kinder!”.

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KP hopes that the organizers of Golos will draw conclusions from the “HYIP” that has taken place and clarify the conditions for further shows, taking into account the growing role of social networks and the possibilities to attract their audience. After all, here, as in sports, we need clear rules so that children and their parents know what they can do to win, and where it will already be considered "doping."

Channel One and Group-IB, which he drew to check the results of the voting at the final of the show Voice. Children, "urged not to believe" dubious sources, "notes RBC. This is stated in a joint statement by Channel One and Group-IB, posted on the Facebook page of the head of Group-IB, Ilya Sachkov. He attached to the publication a screenshot of an article on the Komsomolskaya Pravda website, which stated that when checking the vote no evidence of falsification was found.

Channel One and Group-IB are asked to refrain from conclusions based on dubious sources. SMS Services did not make any statements on the completion of the investigation and is participating in it as an object of verification, ”Sachkov stressed. He added that the final results of the audit should be announced at the end of May, and until then any information on the completion of the investigation is unreliable.

"No other 'sources', except for Channel One and Group-IB, have information about the progress of the investigation," Sachkov wrote.

On April 26, on Channel One, the final of the Voice. Children ”, the winner of which was the daughter of the singer Alsou and businessman Yana Abramov - Mikella Abramova. She received support from 56,5% of voters. On the same day, RBC sources on Channel One and in Red Square, the company that produced the program, reported that signs of an abnormal voting were observed in favor of one of the contest participants. Later, the general director of the TV channel Konstantin Ernst announced the start of the test, to which the channel attracted Group-IB, which specializes in preventing cyber attacks and conducting digital investigations. Professionals should analyze calls and SMS for the presence of unfair competition technological methods, as well as evaluate information security of the vote counting system.

In Russia, the rights to display the TV show "Voice" and "Voice. Children ”belongs to Channel One, the creator and owner of the project format is Talpa Media - the creator and owner of the show format.

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