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Lose weight in a month: why everyone on Instagram is delighted with the new diet


Source: Obozrevatel

In Instagram, the Whole 30 diet is gaining popularity, which a couple of years ago was developed by the couple Melissa and Dallas Hartwig. A nutritionist and a physiotherapist from the United States have been helping people with various eating disorders and their consequences over the years.

Фото: Depositphotos

The authors of the diet claim that their food system guarantees not only weight loss, but also cleansing and rebooting the body, writes Obozrevatel.

Also, this diet helps to change eating habits and form a healthier attitude towards food.

Now using the hashtags #iamwhole30 or #whole30recipes you can find hundreds of photos of followers of this diet.

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The Whole 30 account already has about 800 thousands of Instagram followers, 1,5 million unique visits to the site and over 703 thousands of likes on Facebook.

If you also want to lose weight or normalize nutrition with Whole 30, you need to follow the nine simple rules of the diet for 30 days:

1. Refuse to add sugar to food.

2. Give up alcohol (including baking and other dishes using it).

3. Eliminate cereals from the diet.

4. Discard legumes (peas, beans, peanuts, lentils, as well as products containing soy). In this case, allowed the use of fresh green peas and beans.

5. From dairy products, use only ghee.

6. Discard white potatoes.

7. Discard products containing carrageenan, sulfites or monosodium glutamate.

8. Do not eat fast food, high-calorie desserts and pastries.

9. The basic rule of the diet - weigh yourself only on the first and last day of following the diet (with a difference of a month).

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The basis of the diet when such a diet should be fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seafood, meat, eggs, oils (vegetable and peanut).

Also, the authors of the diet recommend that before it begins to disassemble the refrigerator and kitchen cabinets, get rid of products that are not recommended and can cause breakdowns. In addition, it is recommended to use more spices to diversify the diet. If you want to eat something sweet, give preference to natural sweets that do not contain white sugar - cocoa, pp-sweets and other things.

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