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Help another and don't forget about yourself: how not to get infected if there is a COVID-19 patient in the house


Source: RBC

Everyone should know this! How to behave if a patient with coronavirus is in the house, says RBC.

Photo: Shutterstock

In a pandemic, only those patients are hospitalized who have a serious condition, and patients with mild forms of COVID-19 are sent to self-isolation at their place of residence. However, all family members must adhere to strict rules.

  • The patient should be placed in a well-ventilated room.
  • It is best to leave care to only one person who is not at risk of complications. Visiting such a patient is prohibited.
  • All family members should be in a separate room, in extreme cases - the distance should be at least 1 meter. An exception can only be mothers who feed on breast milk.
  • All family members should wear a medical mask when near the baby and wash their hands with warm water and soap for at least 20-40 seconds before contact.
  • The patient should restrict movement in public places.
  • The person caring for the patient must wear a mask when in the same room as the patient.
  • Hands should be washed after any contact with the patient or his immediate environment.
  • After washing your hands with soap and water, wipe them off with disposable towels.
  • When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with disposable wipes or do it in the crook of your elbow.

On the subject: Two early symptoms of coronavirus that are easy to miss

  • Disposable medical gloves should be used during patient care and cleaning. Hands should be washed before and after removing medical gloves.
  • Gloves, masks and other waste after caring for a patient should be placed in a separate container (plastic bag) in the same room as the patient, prior to disposal.
  • Sharing toothbrushes, common items, bedding should be avoided.
  • After individual use, dishes must be washed with detergent. Do not throw away the dishes.
  • It is necessary to daily clean and disinfect surfaces in the immediate environment of the patient, as well as the bathroom and toilet with a household detergent and disinfectant.
  • You can wash the patient's belongings with ordinary soap. For machine washing, a temperature of 60-90 degrees and ordinary washing powders are recommended. It is forbidden to shake off dirty linen, but can be collected in a common bag.
  • People with symptoms of the disease should stay at home until the clinical manifestations disappear and a negative laboratory test result is obtained.
  • If a family member develops symptoms of an acute respiratory infection (fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath), then he should behave with him as with a person who is suspected of being infected with SARS-CoV-2.
  • All family members are contact persons, and if the first symptoms of ARVI appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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