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Why do not you lose weight: 8 common problems and how to solve them


Source: AIF

“All my adult life I've been trying to get rid of extra pounds. But no matter what I do, I really can't lose weight. What's my mistake?" This question to experts "AIF”Asked Marina Egorova from Tomsk. She was answered by cardiologist Maria Chaikovskaya from the Russian Scientific Center for Surgery. It is cardiologists who most often find out with patients the reasons for their persistently persistent excess weight, since without weight correction it is impossible to defeat heart ailments. What does the doctor recommend? Further - from the first person.

Photo: Shutterstock

Contrary to popular belief, being overweight is not a sentence of genetics or a feature of the constitution. Here are the mistakes of losing weight, which usually prevent weight loss.

Strict diets

Reducing the daily caloric intake below the metabolic level actually leads to the use of fat from subcutaneous tissue as "fuel". However, long-term limited nutrition is stress for the body, during which the body turns on the saving mode - energy costs are reduced, metabolism slows down, and the process of losing weight stops.

A similar mistake is unbalanced diets (carbohydrate-free, fat-free or mono-diets - kefir, apple, celery, etc.), if adhered to for a long time, also lead to metabolic disorders and muscle tissue wastage. As a result - general depletion of the body. Plus, after a while, a person breaks down and the lost kilograms quickly return.

Breakfast cancellation

The recommendation for losing weight, widespread in fashion magazines, is actually harmful. After all, a nutritious, balanced breakfast provides a surge in metabolic processes - in the morning hours there is a period of maximum metabolic activity.

Do not eat after 18.00

Despite the popularity and effectiveness of intermittent fasting (14-16 hours hunger, 8-10 hours is a window for meals), in some people, especially those who often practice diets, the body perceives such breaks as a hunger strike. As a result, blood glucose levels drop dramatically, leading to uncontrolled appetite. Before practicing long breaks, consult your doctor.

Of course, you shouldn't overeat at night. Optimal evening foods are low-fat, easily digestible, low-calorie: dairy products and seafood, fruits, boiled vegetables.

On the subject: Nutritionists talked about how to lose weight effortlessly 14 days after self-isolation

Sedentary fasting

For weight loss, along with nutritional restrictions, physical activity is required. This forces the body to expend its reserves. In addition, physical activity develops muscle mass, which is the main consumer of energy in the body.

Excessive physical education

Loads to which the body is not adapted, and therefore does not have time to recover in the intervals between them, is the same stress for the body as fasting. And losing weight and stress are incompatible processes. By the way, exercises on isolated muscle groups (abdomen, hips, buttocks) do not allow you to burn fat in this area. The process of losing weight occurs either throughout the body, or nowhere.

Not getting enough sleep

Inadequate sleep unbalances the normal processes and reactions of a healthy body. Lack of sleep, a person usually compensates for increased nutrition.

Taking diuretics and laxatives

Taking these drugs, of course, will shift the arrow of the balance in the right direction. However, a decrease in body weight will occur not due to a decrease in the volume of adipose tissue, but due to the removal of fluid from the body. As soon as you make up for it, the weight will return.


Replacing the next meal with a cigarette really dulls your appetite for a while. But pretty soon, he returns with a vengeance, which leads to overeating. And smoking turns into a addiction, which spoils the complexion and skin condition, and also badly affects the teeth.

On the subject: A nutritionist with 45 years of experience: what mother eats and what kind of food is not approved by mom Ilona Mask

Arina Gorustovich, 21 years old, lost 55 kg:

“A couple of years ago, my weight was 105 kg with a height of 165 cm. I began to lose weight primarily for the sake of health: I already had severe shortness of breath, even with minor physical exertion.

I began to play sports, locking myself in my room for 5-8 hours a day. Various fitness lessons from the Internet have helped in this. Unfortunately, at this moment I did not think that in parallel I also needed to eat right. Only a month after that, I began to count the calories eaten and only then I developed my balanced nutrition program. I started a food diary, where I counted everything I ate and how much I practiced.

Now every morning I drink a glass of water on an empty stomach, it helps to eat less. I eat everything strictly without salt and sugar, nothing fatty, smoked and starchy. After 6,5 months, I got rid of 55 kg.

Tips to help you lose weight

  • Eat - The process of digesting food itself is quite energy-intensive. To digest food, the body expends a lot of energy. Therefore, you need to eat often, but little by little.
  • Observe the "glass rule" - the volume of food eaten at one meal should fit in one glass. At first, such a portion seems too small, but after a short time, saturation comes.
  • Drink more - we often confuse the feeling of thirst with the feeling of hunger. Therefore, before you pounce on food, drink a glass of water.
  • Eat fresh vegetables and fruits - firstly, they take up a large volume in the stomach, and secondly, due to their high fiber content, they quickly cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Do not deny yourself sweet pleasures - sometimes you can afford "forbidden foods", which are considered evil, only if you consume them in large quantities. In small 'doses' they will not harm. ”

Leyla Alekperova, 24 years old, lost 60 kg:

“My external changes are connected with internal changes. Four years ago, I clearly understood that I wanted to change my lifestyle. First, I changed the whole circle of my acquaintances and friends, getting rid of those who supported my bad habits. Then she began to maintain Lent. I don’t know how I did it, because before that I hadn’t paid my attention to what exactly I was eating. And, even during Lent, I did not set my goal to lose weight. When I realized that I could live 40 days without meat and dairy products and still feel normal, I decided to give them up completely.

In the same period, I accidentally came to the vegetarian site, studied everything that vegetarianism gives a person, I decided that I wouldn’t eat animal products anymore. Fasting helped me throw off only 5-7 kg, which was insignificant for my weight, but still I felt light. And already could not refuse it.

Although I did not lose weight rapidly, not a single kilogram lost to me returned to me, as it was after "hunger strikes" or diets. Fasting did not lead me to anything good. I could not eat for days, and then break loose and pounce on food for the night - all the previous efforts were in vain.

For 4 years I lost 60 kg. Perhaps this is not much during such a period, but I did it without violence against myself. In addition, my skin also did not experience severe stress from sudden weight loss.

My result is only nutrition. I tried to go in for sports, but so far I do not have sufficient motivation for this. But I am convinced that 80-90% of the problems of obese people are in what they eat.

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