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Why you should not go on a diet Dyukana



Recently, the diet of dietitian Pierre Ducane is gaining popularity. In the world, more than 11 has sold millions of books on protein diets, writes A clear algorithm for nutrition, lack of hunger and a motivating book seem to be a panacea for people who want to lose weight. But if everything was so simple!

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The essence of the diet of the French nutritionist - “eat and lose weight”, without limiting yourself in the amount of servings and the number of meals. At the same time, as Dyukan writes, his method is not a diet, but a way of life. He proposes to start with an “attack”, on which a slimming person can eat only lean protein foods. Then the longest stage is alternation: one day eat “squirrels”, the other - “proteins” and vegetables. After this consolidation, where you slowly return to the nutrition of the average person, starting to include "non-protein" products in your diet. Finally, stabilization is a stage that helps a person to maintain weight throughout his life. You can eat everything you want, but once a week, necessarily on Thursday, arrange yourself a protein day.

The results that followers of Dukan show are truly amazing. However, together with extra pounds, something more substantial can go - your health.

Monotonous food and protein in large quantities are not physiological, and therefore can be harmful for both a healthy person and a patient with pathological diseases. Problems can arise from the heart, liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

Digestive tract

The United States Nutritionists Association has classified the Dukan protein diet among the life-threatening ones.

The nutrition system to which the nutritionist encourages is poor in fats and carbohydrates - the main elements that improve the bowels. Under conditions of slow digestion, the development of stagnation and rapid reproduction of microorganisms occur.

Protein food in intestinal pathologies associated with impaired motility begins to rot, which leads to intoxication and protein imbalance. Sometimes it happens in healthy people - this protein food aggravates and provokes.

As a result, a person is accompanied by poor health, bad breath, nausea, dizziness, flatulence, diarrhea, and constipation, which only exacerbate the intoxication of the body.


Protein diet involves a limited intake of fats, which are necessary for the female body. Because of this, many women sitting on proteins lose or break the cycle due to hormonal disorders. This is accompanied by deterioration of the hair, nails, dry mucous membranes and skin. In the future, there is a decrease in libido, impaired fertility, polycystic disease develops.


High protein diets are known to be contraindicated in patients with chronic kidney disease. However, it is worth noting that after 50 years, an age-related decline in liver and kidney function begins, which is not a pathology, but an age norm. Accordingly, older people should be more careful in choosing this kind of diet.

At the same time, short courses of taking exclusively protein foods are considered harmless. Therefore, the popular Dukan diet can be replaced by a more comfortable for the body - protein-carbohydrate alternation.

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