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Why does the body accumulate excess fluid, and how to remove it


Source: PRO Welness blog

Excess fluid in the body leads to the formation of edema. Water accumulates in the intercellular space. Overloading the lymphatic system and blocking cells, it slows down the metabolic processes in them. As a result, the effectiveness of diets is sharply reduced, writes PRO Welness blog.

Photo: Shutterstock

It is possible to remove fluid from the body and prevent its re-accumulation by correcting the diet, diet and lifestyle. But first you need to find out the reason for the violation of water exchange.

Reasons for the accumulation of fluid in the body

Fluid retention in the body may indicate the development of internal diseases, therefore, before making any attempts to remove it, you should consult your doctor. The causes of the pathological condition that you can fight on your own include:

  • lack of physical activity;
  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • excessive salt intake;
  • not drinking often enough during the day;
  • bad habits;
  • drinking plenty of fluids before bedtime.

Diet to restore water exchange

To remove excess fluid from the body, you need to make changes to the diet. Limit the consumption of salty foods, fats, carbohydrates, alcohol, canned food, smoked meats, mayonnaise - such food retains water in the body.

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Enrich the menu with foods that are rich in B vitamins and magnesium, in particular beef liver, pistachios, beef, beans, pearl barley - this will help prevent impaired water metabolism due to nutrient deficiencies.

Eat foods that accelerate water-salt metabolism. These include:

  • rice;
  • oat flakes;
  • muesli;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • nuts;
  • greenery;
  • beet juice;
  • dried fruits.

Drinking regime

Don't drink water less than 2 hours before bed. At night, the activity of the kidneys decreases, and the fluid stagnates - edema appears. If you have a strong thirst, quench it with 200 ml of low-fat kefir.

Drink enough water: 1,5-2 liters per day. With a lack of fluid, the body will begin to store it for a rainy day in the cells, which will lead to tissue swelling and a decrease in the effectiveness of diets.

Physical activity and water procedures

You can get rid of water accumulated in the body with the help of physical activity that increases sweating. Running, cycling, and gym work are very effective. Take 15-minute breaks at work: walk around the office, go for coffee, warm up - the contraction of muscle tissue helps to remove water from the intercellular space.

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Pharmacy diuretics

Pharmacy diuretics stimulate kidney function and promote the removal of excess fluid from tissues. But they cannot be taken without the agreement of a doctor, since potassium and iron - electrolytes, without which the full functioning of the cardiovascular system is impossible - can be washed out from the body together with water. In addition, a targeted diuretic effect can cause dehydration, thereby transferring the state of water exchange from one extreme to another.

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