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Why don't you like to celebrate your birthday



Imagine, you are not the only one: there are many people who are not enthusiastic on the next anniversary of their birth. Here are some suggestions why you don’t like to celebrate your birthday.

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Too prudent

To celebrate a birthday pompously, you need to plan it first, writes “Lady“. It takes time to plan a holiday. To be more precise, you need to spend several days (inviting guests, drawing up a menu, thinking over a theme, purchasing food or ordering dishes) to somehow spend just one single day in a special way.

Unprofitable math. It turns out that it is better not to celebrate anything if planning takes so much time and effort.

You're a nonconformist

To have a party with rivers of alcohol, at the end of which hungry friends will make a cake with a certain number of candles, a lot of mind is not needed! But to challenge these conventions, defiantly sit at home in an alcoholic T-shirt and ignore congratulations can only a very outstanding person.

Such personalities, as a rule, generally hide their birth date on the social network in order to receive congratulations only from those people who remember this. After all, these congratulations are the most sincere, most valuable!

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Each time, challenging conventions, the nonconformist gets the opportunity to feel original, not like everyone else. Is this not the best present?

Afraid to grow up

Attention, we’ll say out loud a very, very unpleasant truth, from which everyone is trying to turn away. Adults do not want to grow up!

It is only children who dream of growing up soon. And this is only because, in their understanding, to be adults means: do not sleep at lunch, do not brush your teeth at night and eat ice cream as much as your heart desires. Therefore, their children love birthdays.

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And for an adult, every new year of his life is an inevitably approaching old age. And even though you don’t bring how many colorful garlands, balloons and crackers, tinsel is not able to distract from sad thoughts about the transience of life.

You're too tired of someone else's attention

When a person has a birthday, it is customary to congratulate him. Congratulations are not always original (health, happiness!), And not all of them are delicate (a good husband, more children!) And you, as a birthday girl and a good girl, should walk beautiful all day, smile and say “thank you”, even if you you definitely need to work or just not in the mood.

By the way, the mood on the birthday can be bad simply because ... (see the previous paragraph). Therefore, sometimes it’s easier to hide that you are a birthday girl than to try to please all those wonderful people who want to congratulate you.

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Don't eat sweet

It is generally accepted that certain foods are always an attribute of particular holidays. New Year is inconceivable without the aroma of tangerines, Easter - without boiled painted eggs, and a birthday is hard to imagine without a cake or other sweets.

Even if you don’t like cakes, the guests will count on him, well, and as a result, you will eat at least a piece. Unwillingness to be tempted by sweets and engage in meaningless skirmishes may well become an occasion not to celebrate anything.

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Afraid of disappointment

Birthday is your day! And in your understanding, relatives or friends should arrange a surprise. Yes, so that you like it! To make your dream come true that you haven’t told anyone! To give exactly those gifts that you have long wanted!

Does it sound so perfect that it seems impossible? Then, perhaps, it’s better not to celebrate, so as not to be upset once again that these callous people still can’t remember your favorite flowers, the brand of the coffee maker and your favorite restaurant.

If you do not like to celebrate a birthday, you probably have a reason for it. But if these reasons are fixable, maybe you should try to tell your loved ones about the holiday of your dreams? Thus, the chance that it will be fulfilled is significantly increased!

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