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Why nobody marries you: man’s gaze

Sergey Evelev

writer, TV and radio host


Who are we looking for, where, why, and why did we find them, then part with them? Since childhood, treating us with fairy tales, we are inspired by the images of princesses and princes, with a detailed description of what they should be. No one seems to say that each of us should look for that. But the dirty trick is that at this young age, we have a hard disk in the head, still clean, not cluttered up with nonsense yet, and therefore everything that we are voiced is recorded directly and without gaps. And naturally, after repeated playing of the same images of good fairies, evil sorcerers, again princesses and princes, we unwittingly dwell on the matrix, to which we will apply all the princesses and other characters of fairy tales we grew up to.

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What happens next? For fun, training, sex, or simply intuition, we, although we are looking for something written in the head, but easily agree to fake or replace first of all because we understand: this is not serious and not for long. But sometimes even at school we fall in love with a prince (or princess), who resemble one of those character traits from fairy tales. Expressive eyes, long hair, manly features, a pleasant voice, tall, fair figure. For accuracy and in order to think out, we didn’t have to do it, even films are shoved with images of those we need. Here we are looking for them.

But since they themselves are still green, not tempted and do not see the forest behind the trees, we, clinging tightly with a bulldog grip to blue eyes or a nice figure, categorically refuse to see what is behind them, farther in the depths, in the forest.

Therefore, in almost a hundred percent of cases, if couples who have developed in school make a tragic mistake and get married, then it ends quickly and badly. After a while, the forest behind the trees begins to be seen. Princes and princesses disappear and in their place by wave of a magic wand there are grumbling wives and husbands, drunkards, sluts, irresponsible, dishonest people whom you have not seen before and about whose existence you didn’t even expect. And because of the divorce. But experience is. He appears with every portion of broken illusions. This shower is cold and very sobering.

But even those who did not run into a school still go out into the world with the idea of ​​a partner of the ideal and, in general, the most re-most. Ask any girl or boy, how do you see a life partner? And he and she immediately without thinking for a long time, you will be answered. Smart, fun, beautiful, and further down the list. And where is the list coming from? From the forest certainly? And all at once guessed where we all should go ... All, to the forest ... Or - to the garden ...

Naturally, they say stupid things, but is youth, where is it getting to here? Is there an image in your head? They went to look for his earthly incarnation, according to the portrait, carefully traced over the years.

Years go by, pictures change, idols grow up, mistakes multiply, experience accumulates and everyone (hopefully everyone) at some point begins to realize that between the list of desirable qualities that we are looking for in potential narrowed ones and in narrower ones availability) a large abyss that does not move, do not swim, and even, do not fly. And here comes the main crisis, in which all ideals finally collapse, plans fly to hell and only one hope warms that you will fall in love for the first thirty years, you will not see anything that you shouldn’t see.

But this is a dream and they rarely come true. Although it happens. And the rest of the people have to gradually bring perfect pictures in their heads and real people walking on the ground to a common denominator, and this is not easy. Remember yourself how we were upset for the first time when we learned that Santa Claus and Snow Maiden do not exist.

And then there is the Brownies, Fairies of fallen teeth, leaving money under the pillow and other fairy-tale characters in the reality that you want to believe. But childhood, as it does not cling to it, ends and begins an adult life. And in it, among many others, an important task stands out: how and where to find a life partner with whom you will be connected so much that until you figure out what and where is wrong, so grow into each other, it will not be torn off. Again it sounds like a fairy tale. But tales to the side, and now make them come true, our task is with you.

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It can only be made easier by the understanding that the person you are looking for (although many will say that they are not looking for anyone at all) probably does not exist in nature. Nobody flies like a butterfly, does not float like a white swan, does not fulfill desires like the old Hotabych and does not spread out like a tablecloth.

But we, all the same, no matter how grown-up we seem to ourselves, are infused with fairy tales and we will look for our Princess and the Prince. Sometimes - all my life. It happens that having found one, you soon realize that it may even be a princess, but from a neighboring fairy tale. And because you are not on the way.

But let's not lose faith in the beautiful.

Miracles also happen on earth, and they, colorfully described princes and princesses, destined for many of us, are still walking somewhere. They are looking for us, hoping and believing in the success of the enterprise. So let us hope so. Come and know, what if it is your happiness, close, around the corner? Look, do not miss, and then later where to go and where to look for it, happiness is the very thing, cherished, destined from childhood?

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