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Why did the United States officially oppose breastfeeding


Source: USA Today

The United States opposed the adoption of a resolution supporting breastfeeding and restricting the promotion of infant formula. After the refusal of the United States, at the World Health Assembly, which was held this spring in Geneva, Russia agreed to submit this resolution.

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As the USA Today, the resolution said that mother's breast milk is the most useful and necessary product for a small child. In connection with this fact, the resolution recommended to the member states of the World Health Organization to limit advertising of the benefits of artificial mixtures as “misleading and untrue”.

The Delegation from the USA objected to the adoption of the document as it was submitted for consideration. The country's representatives demanded the removal of the phrase about the need to “protect, promote and support breastfeeding”, as well as a call to limit the sale of artificial food (which, according to WHO, can harm the health of the child).

When the changes proposed by the US representatives were not accepted, delegates issued an ultimatum. The resolution was originally going to make Ecuador. The United States threatened him with trade sanctions and a reduction in military support. Ecuador surrendered. As a result, the resolution was introduced by Russia.

The media write that lobbyists were present at the meeting, who might have been interested in the development of the artificial feeding industry, but so far no publication provided evidence of the commitment of the American delegation.

The final resolution largely mirrored the original language. But the US has pushed for the removal of some of the text calling on WHO to offer technical support to officials trying to stop the “unacceptable promotion of products for babies and young children.”

Patty Randall, director of the British group Baby Milk Action, who was present at the meeting, said that her group was “amazed,” “shocked,” and “saddened" by the behavior of US delegates.

The US State Department did not answer journalists' questions. The Department of Health and Human Services reported that the initial version of the resolution “created unnecessary barriers for mothers seeking to provide food for their children.”

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